Saturday, April 01, 2023

Happy National Poetry Month!

Happy National Poetry Month! It's always fun to see the whole world (or much of it anyway) pausing to celebrate poetry all month long. I'm happy to toot the horn for some new poetry books out this year, starting with one of my own, a collaborative anthology entitled WHAT IS A FAMILY? co-edited with Janet Wong and featuring original poems by 40 poets. Poets include: Alma Flor Ada, Gail Aldous, Alexia M. Andoni, Chris Baron, Willeena Booker, Sandy Brehl, Judy Bryan, Elenore Byrne, F. Isabel Campoy, Kate Coombs, Cynthia Cotten, Mary E. Cronin, Leslie Degnan, Janet Clare Fagal, Theresa Gaughan, Rajani LaRocca, Renée M. LaTulippe, Rebecca Gardyn Levington, Molly Lorenz, Rochelle Melander, Jack Prelutsky, Joan Riordan, Donna JT Smith, Anastasia Suen, Pamela Taylor, Joyce Uglow, Fernanda Valentino, April Halprin Wayland, Vicki Wilke, Matthew Winter, Janet Wong, and Helen Kemp Zax.

Here's a glimpse of 5 of the poems read by the poets (and one read by me). 

Interested? You can buy the book here and here. All profits are being donated to the IBBY Children in Crisis Fund which brings books (and love) to children who are hurting and in desperate need in places like Ukraine, Turkey, El Salvador and elsewhere. 

1 comment:

April Halprin Wayland said...

Brilliant concept, fabulous book. Hooray for your generosity to children in crisis around the world