I'm also excited once again to see over 30 titles on the horizon so far-- by a variety of known and new names. Anthologies, novels in verse, humor, concrete poetry, poet biographies, haiku, Mother Goose, and more. I've also included a few books that are not poetry, per se, but include poetry or are about poetry. I've read a handful of them already and you are in for a treat! Here we go...
- Ada, Alma
Flor and Campoy, F. Isabel. 2011. Ten
Little Puppies; Diez perritos. New York: Rayo/HarperCollins.
- Adoff,
Arnold. 2011. Roots and Blues; A
Celebration. New York: Clarion.
- Aronson,
Marc and Smith, Charles R. Eds. 2011. Pick-Up
Game; A Full Day of Full Court. Somerville, MA: Candlewick. (includes
some poetry)
- Bartlett,
Jennifer; Black, Sheila and Northen, Michael. Eds. 2011. Beauty is a Verb; The New Poetry of
Disability. El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press.
- Bell, Marvin.
A Primer About the Flag.
Ill. by Chris Raschka. Somerville, MA: Candlewick.
- Brown,
Monica. 2011. Pablo Neruda. Ill.
by Julie Paschkis. New York: Henry Holt.
- Bulion,
Leslie. 2011. At the Sea Floor Café;
Odd Ocean Critter Poems. Ill. by Leslie Evans. Atlanta, GA: Peachtree.
- Chaltas,
Thalia. 2011. Displacement. New
York: Viking.
- Crews,
Nina. 2011. Neighborhood Sing Along.
New York: HarperCollins.
- Curtis, Tony. 2011. An Elephant Called Rex and A Dog Called
Dumbo: An A to Z of Children's Poetry. Ill. by Pat Mooney. London:
Black Hills Press.
- Dakos,
Kalli. 2011. A Funeral in the
Bathroom and Other School Bathroom Poems. Chicago: Albert Whitman.
- Durango,
Julia. 2011. Under the Mambo Moon.
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.
- Engle,
Margarita. 2011. Hurricane Dancers;
The First Caribbean Pirate Shipwreck. New York: Henry Holt.
- Foster,
John. Ed. 2011. Cockadoodle Moo. London: Oxford University Press.
- Franco,
Betsy. 2011. A Dazzling Display of
Dogs. Ill. by Michael Wertz. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle.
- Frost,
Helen. 2011. Hidden. New York:
Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
- George,
Kristine O’Connell. 2011. Emma
Dilemma: Big Sister Poems. Ill. by Nancy Carpenter. New York: Clarion.
- Gerstein,
Mordicai. 2011. Dear Hot Dog.
New York: Abrams.
- Gibson,
Amy. 2011. Around the World on
Eighty Legs: Animals Poems. Ill. by Daniel Salmieri. New York:
- Golio,
Gary. 2011. When Bob Met Woody; The
Story of the Young Bob Dylan. Ill. by Marc Burckhardt. New York: Little Brown. (not poetry, but includes
focus on poetry)
- Greenfield,
Eloise. 2011. The Great Migration:
Journey to the North. Ill. by Jan Spivey Gilchrist. New York:
- Grimes,
Nikki. 2011. Planet Middle School.
New York: Bloomsbury.
- Ham, Catherine. 2011. Animal Naps. Waynesville, NC:
EarlyLight Books.
- Hauth,
Katherine. 2011. What’s for Dinner?
Quirky, Squirmy Poems from the Animal World. Watertown, MA:
- Heidbreder,
Robert. 2011. Shake Awakes. Ill. by Marc Mongeau. Vancouver:
Tradewind Books.
- Henderson, Kathy. 2011. Hush, Baby, Hush! Lullabies from Around
the World. Ill. by Pam Smy. Seattle: Frances Lincoln.
- Herrera,
Juan Felipe. 2011. Skate Fate.
New York: HarperCollins.
- Hines,
Anna Grossnickle. 2011. Peaceful
Pieces; Poems and Quilts About
Peace. New York: Henry Holt.
- Holbrook,
Sara. 2011. Weird? (Me, Too!) Let's
Be Friends. Ill. by Karen Sandstrom. Honesdale, PA: Wordsong/Boyds
Mills Press.
- Hopkins,
Lee Bennett. Ed. 2011. Dizzy
Dinosaurs; An I Can Read Book. New York: HarperCollins.
- Hopkins,
Lee Bennett. 2011. Hear my Prayer.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz.
- Hopkins,
Lee Bennett. Ed. 2011. I am the Book.
New York: Holiday House.
- Janeczko,
Paul B. 2011. Requiem; Poems of the
Terezín Ghetto. Somerville, MA: Candlewick.
- Katz,
Alan. 2011. Poems I Wrote When No
One Was Looking. Ill. by Ed Koren. New York: Simon & Schuster.
- Katz, Susan. 2011. The President’s Stuck in the Bathtub: Poems About U.S. Presidents.
New York: Clarion.
- Kehoe, Stasia Ward. 2011. Audition. New York: Viking.
- Kinerk,
Robert. 2011. Oh, How Sylvester Can
Pester!: And Other Poems More or Less About Manners. New York: Simon
& Schuster.
- Lai,
Thanhha. 2011. Inside Out and Back
Again. New York: HarperCollins.
- Lear,
Edward/Pinkwater, Daniel. 2011. His
Shoes Were Far Too Tight. Ill. by Calef Brown. San Francisco, CA:
- Lee,
Claudia M. Ed. 2011. Mandaderos de
la lluvia/Messengers of Rain. Ill. by Rafael Yockteng. Toronto:
Groundwood. (new bilingual edition)
- Lewis, J.
Patrick and Yolen, Jane. 2011. Self
Portrait with Seven Fingers: A Life of Marc Chagall in Verse. Mankato,
MN: Creative Editions.
- Marcus,
Kimberly. 2011. exposed. New
York: Random House.
- McCall, Guadalupe Garcia.
2011. Under the Mesquite. New York: Lee & Low.
- McGough,
Roger. 2011. Imaginary Menagerie. London: Frances Lincoln.
- McKissack,
Patricia. 2011. Never Forgotten.
Ill. by Leo and Diane Dillon. New York: Schwartz & Wade.
- Mitton,
Tony. 2011. Come Into This Poem.
London: Frances Lincoln.
- Moses,
Brian. Ed. 2011. Best of Enemies, Best of Friends. New York: Hachette.
- Murphy,
Sally. 2011. Pearl Verses the World.
Somerville, MA: Cambridge. (Not poetry, but a novel about a girl who
writes poetry)
- Myers,
Walter Dean. 2011. We are America; A
Tribute from the Heart. Ill. by Christopher Myers. New York:
- Navasky,
Bruno. Ed. 2011. Poem in Your Pocket
for Young Poets; 100 Poems to
Rip Out & Read. New York: Abrams.
- Nursery Rhyme Comics; 50 Timeless
Rhymes from 50 Celebrated Cartoonists. New
York: First Second.
- Ostlere, Cathy. 2011. Karma. New York: Razorbill.
- Ostow,
Micol. 2011. family. New York:
- Parsons,
Trevor. 2011. Hear Here! London: Hands Up Books.
- Peck, Jan
and Davis, David. Eds. 2011. The
Green Mother Goose; Saving the World One Rhyme at a Time. Ill. by
Carin Berger. New York: Sterling.
- Porter,
Pamela. 2011. I'll Be Watching.
Toronto: Groundwood.
- Raczka,
Bob. 2011. Lemonade and Other Poems
Squeezed from a Single Word. New York: Roaring Brook.
- Rasmussen, Halfdan. 2011. A Little Bitty Man and Other Poems for
the Very Young. Translated by Marilyn Nelson and Pamela Espeland.
Somerville, MA: Candlewick.
- Rooney,
Rache. 2011. The Language of Cat. London: Frances Lincoln.
- Rosen, Michael J. 2011. The Hound Dog’s Haiku and Other Poems
for Dog Lovers. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick.
- Ruesga,
Rita Rosa. 2011. Cantaba la rana/The
Frog Was Singing. Ill. by Soledad Sebastián. New York: Scholastic.
- Salas,
Laura Purdie. 2011. BookSpeak!.
Ill. by Josee Bisaillon. New York: Clarion.
- Schroeder, Lisa. 2011.The Day Before. New York: Simon & Schuster.
- Shahan,
Sherry. 2011. Purple Daze.
Philadelphia, PA: Running Press Kids.
- Silverstein,
Shel. 2011. Every Thing On It.
New York: HarperCollins.
- Simon,
John O. Ed. 2011. Cyclops Wearing
Flip-Flops. San Francisco: Center for the Art of Translation.
- Singer,
Marilyn. 2011. A Full Moon is
Rising. New York: Lee & Low.
- Singer,
Marilyn. 2011. A Stick Is an
Excellent Thing. Ill. by LeUyen Pham. New York: Clarion.
- Singer,
Marilyn. 2011. Twosomes: Love Poems
from the Animal Kingdom. New York: Knopf.
- Sis,
Peter. 2011. The Conference of the
Birds. New York: Penguin.
(Based on a classic Sufi epic poem)
- Stevenson,
Robert Louis. 2011. A Child’s Garden
of Verses. Ill. by Barbara McClintock. New York: HarperCollins.
- Thompson,
Holly. 2011. Orchards. New York:
Random House.
- Van
Cleave, Ryan G. 2011. Unlocked.
New York: Walker.
- Vardell,
Sylvia and Wong, Janet. Eds. 2011. P*TAG.
Seattle: PoetryTagTime.com.
- Vardell, Sylvia and Wong,
Janet. Eds. 2011. PoetryTagTime.
Seattle: PoetryTagTime.com.
- Vardell, Sylvia and Wong,
Janet. Eds. 2011. Gift Tag: Holiday
Poetry for Children and Young Adults. Seattle: PoetryTagTime.com.
- Wardlaw,
Lee. 2011. Won Ton; A Cat Tale Told
in Haiku. Ill. by Eugene Yelchin. New York: Henry Holt.
- Warren, Celia. Ed. 2011. RSPB Anthology of Wildlife Poetry.
London: A&C Black.
- Weber,
Lori. 2011. Yellow Mini. London:
& Whiteside.
- Wheeler,
Lisa. 2011. Spinster Goose; Twisted
Rhymes for Naughty Children. Ill. by Sophie Blackall. New York:
- Wolf,
Allan. 2011. The Watch That Ends the
Night; Voices from the Titanic. Somerville, MA: Candlewick.
- Wong,
Janet. 2011. Once Upon A Tiger; New Beginnings for Endangered Animals.
- Yolen,
Jane. 2011. Birds of a Feather. Ill.
by Jason Stemple. Honesdale, PA: Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press.
- Yoon,
Salina. 2011. One Two, Buckle My
Shoe. New York: Random House.
- Zimmer, Tracie Vaughn. 2011. Cousins of Clouds; Elephant Poems. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Posting by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2011. All rights reserved.
I am wiping the drool from my chin. Thank you, Sylvia, for setting the table for the year ahead. You're a poetry detective, and I'm grateful! (Is it difficult to sneak up on the books in your wild tights?) I'll be linking to this...
Thanks, Amy-- my pleasure-- and thanks for linking. I wore blue plaid tights today as a matter of fact!
Wow, it's going to be a good year!
What a great list. You're right, Sylvia. It's a wonderful resource for the coming year. Many thanks!
Thanks, Sylvia. It's great to see at a glance who's writing, what themes are current and which publishers are publishing in 2011! I appreciate your passion for the genre and value your research. I only wish Dear One could be more widely distributed!
Best regards and wishing you much aMUSEment in 2011!
There's a storm brewing up north, so watch out for Amy's drool!
Michele Krueger
Thanks so much for the sneak peek at my book Won Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku! So far it's received two starred reviews - - from Kirkus and Booklist. Pub date is Feb. 15th. Best fishes and warmest purrs, Ms. Lee Wardlaw
Oooooh! So many books to look forward to! Thanks, Sylvia, for putting a bunch of them on my radar. Some I was already waiting for, but others I've never heard of. You are such a great resource!
Thanks, all, for reading, commenting, and supporting. I'm always so tickled when all you POETS post! It's such a lovely community of people. I just can't wait to see all your new books!
Thanks for this sneak peek. Can't wait to see some of these books.
BTW, I believe Joyce Sidman and Beth Krommes have a picture book for younger children titled “Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature” coming out in the fall.
I was so excited when ALA announced that Sidman's "Dark Emperor" had received a Newbery Honor.
Hi, Elaine! Yes, I'm excited to see Joyce's new book, but she said it was not a poetry book. But it looks GORGEOUS from the bit I've seen! And I was SO excited about her Newbery honor too-- for Joyce AND for poetry!
Singer, Salas, Hopkins, Franco, Yolen... What a marvelous list! Thank you!
Two books by Marilyn Singer in 2011 and three by Lee Bennett Hopkins? What a year! And I'm already hungry for more Douglas Florian--anything new coming? Sue Cowing, Honolulu
Sylvia, wanted you to know about a Y.A. novel in poems coming out later this spring: Displacement by Thalia Chaltas. Thalia is the author of Because I am Furniture, published by Viking two years ago. Displacement is another gripping, poignant story.
Lee, thanks for the note about Thalia's new book which I have added to the list. I thought BECAUSE I AM FURNITURE was terrific, so I'm looking forward to DISPLACEMENT, too.
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