So, I hope you'll indulge a bit of wrap up for 2012 as I head to the ALA Midwinter conference next week to research my 2013 "Sneak Peek" list of upcoming poetry.
I always like to post my list of my favorite poetry books of the year as a way to highlight some of the wonderful titles that were published. It's always a challenge, since I enjoyed nearly all of the poetry books that crossed my desk! But my goal is to help nudge readers to buy more poetry and advocate for adding more poetry to their school and library shelves. So, here goes.
My Favorite Poetry for Young People 2012
1. Applegate, Katherine. 2012. The One and Only Ivan. New York: Harper.
2. Coombs, Kate. 2012. Water Sings Blue: Ocean Poems. Ill. by Meilo So. San Francisco: Chronicle.
3. Corcoran, Jill. Ed. 2012. Dare to Dream… Change the World. San Diego, CA: Kane Miller.
4. Elliott, David. 2012. In the Sea. Ill. by Holly Meade. Somerville, MA: Candlewick.
5. Engle, Margarita. 2012. The Wild Book. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
6. Florian, Douglas. 2012. Unbeelievables: Honeybee Poems and Paintings. New York: Beach Lane.
7. Harrison, David. 2012. Cowboys. Honesdale, PA: Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press.
8. Heard, Georgia. Ed. 2012. The Arrow Finds its Mark: A Book of Found Poems. New York: Macmillan.
9. Heidbreder, Robert. 2012. Noisy Poems for a Busy Day. Ill. by Lori Joy Smith. Toronto: Kids Can Press.
10. Hopkins, Lee Bennett. Ed. 2012. Nasty Bugs. Ill. by Will Terry. New York: Dial.
11. Hoyte, Carol-Ann and Roemer, Heidi Bee. Eds. 2012. And the Crowd Goes Wild!: A Global Gathering of Sports Poems. Ill. by Kevin Sylvester. Victoria, BC: FriesenPress.
12. _______. 2012. I Saw a Peacock with a Fiery Tail. Ill. by Ramsingh Urveti. Tara Books.
13. Jensen, Dana. 2012. A Meal of the Stars; Poems Up and Down. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
14. Lewis, J. Patrick and Yolen, Jane. 2012. Take Two! A Celebration of Twins. Ill. by Sophie Blackall. Somerville, MA: Candlewick.
15. Lewis, J. Patrick. Ed. 2012. National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry. Washington DC: National Geographic.
16. Lewis, J. Patrick. 2012. If You Were a Chocolate Mustache: Poems. Ill. by Matt Cordell. Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press.
17. Merchant, Natalie. Ed. 2012. Leave Your Sleep. Ill. by Barbara McClintock. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
18. Newman, Leslea. 2012. October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard. Somerville, MA: Candlewick.
19. Singer, Marilyn, 2012. Every Day's a Dog's Day: A Year in Poems. New York: Dial.
20. Singer, Marilyn. 2012. A Strange Place to Call Home: The World’s Most Dangerous Habitats and the Animals That Call Them Home. Ill. by Ed Young. San Francisco: Chronicle.
21. Wong, Janet. 2012. Declaration of Interdependence: Poems for an Election Year. PoetrySuitcase.
Plus, I have to include my own book and since I didn't write any of the poems, I hope it's not too shameless to plug it!
Vardell, Sylvia and Wong, Janet. Eds. 2012. The Poetry Friday Anthology. Princeton, NJ: Pomelo Books.
Janet and I are so pleased that our book has been such a hit! There has been a hue and cry for a middle school version of this anthology, so.... that's what we're working on now! Stay tuned as we hope to release it in early March just in time for National Poetry Month.
Meanwhile, I hope you'll revisit these and other poetry gems for 2012 and I look forward to sharing my next list of poetry to anticipate in 2013.
Thanks .....Informative Post
Thanks for the great list, Sylvia! Working my way through these poem by poem...:)
There are some wonderful books for libraries here. I hope many are collected. Looking forward to your middle school anthology as I love the elementary one. Thanks for the list!
Looking forward to TPFA - Middle School edition as well as going through the books on your list for 2012!
Your plug for your book is not nearly shameful enough. Link it to Amazon for full effect.
Reading that list of favorite books feels like going to a party--so good to see some new faces among familiar friends!
Great list Sylvia. I am anxious to hear more about the next edition for olders of the Poetry Friday anthology.
PS I am sorry not to make the mid-winter in Seattle. Boo.
Very informative post!
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