From The Company of Crows by Marilyn Singer, illustrated by Linda Saport (Clarion, 2002). Used with permission of the poet and the illustrator.
Five fun facts abo

*a trip to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden prompted her to focus on writing for young people
*she loves ballroom dancing
*her first book of poetry for children was Turtle in July (Macmillan, 1989)
*she has also written nonfiction, picture books, fairy tales, YA novels, and mysteries
*she and co-host, Barbara Genco launched the annual ALSC Poetry Blast of poets reading from their works in 2003
[Based on Poetry People; A Practical Guide to Children’s Poets]
Look for t

*Turtle in July (Macmillan, 1989)
*Fireflies at Midnight (Atheneum, 2000)
*Monster Museum (Hyperion, 2001)
*Footprints on the Roof: Poems about the Earth (Knopf, 2002)
*How to Cross a Pond: Poems about Water (Knopf, 2003)
*Creature Carnival (Hyperion, 2004)
*Central Heating: Poems about Fire and Warmth (Knopf, 2005)
*First Food Fight This Fall (Sterling, 2008)
*Shoe Bop! (Dutton, 2008)
*Mirror, Mirror (Dutton, 2010)

Next up: Kristine O’Connell George
Posting (not poem) by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2010. All rights reserved.
Image credits: tagyoureitonline.com;captainstlucifer.wordpress.com/2007/08/;http://www.marilynsinger.net/;Clarion
I became a fan of Marilyn's poetry after reading TURTLE IN JULY. It's such a wonderful book of animal masks poems. I wish it was still in print today. I own all of Marilyn's other poetry books.
I think MIRROR MIRROR is a brilliant collection!
What a lovely idea, to play poetry tag. And what a stellar lineup of poets! Can't wait to see who the others will be!
It was wonderful meeting you in person in Bologna, Sylvia. Thanks for all you do!
hello this is a bit random but I need people to come to my blog so please visit me at http://hearttohearteyetoeye.blogspot.com/ follow me too please and thank you
These crows are definitely different from the goldfinches! Can't wait to see what direction we go today!
I agree with Elaine! I love Turtle in July! I've ordered Mirror Mirror and am axiously waiting for it to arrive in the mail!
Awaking each morning and wondering which wonderful poet will be next. Reading each new post is like receiving a mini-poetry package in the mail! I love it.
Unlike Elaine, Marilyn's poetry is new to me (I'll blame it on being in the UK but maybe it's still a question of Where Have I Been?!) - but I'm very taken with it and seeing the otehr Poetry Friday posts about her new book, I know I want to explore her work further - thank you for introducing her to me. I have a feeling I'm going to be saying that a few more times before this game is over...
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