After scanning the recent publisher catalogs and web sites and talking with reps at the ALA Midwinter conference, here’s the list of poetry books for young people that we can be on the lookout for in 2010. Please let me know of any others I can add.
Looks like another interesting crop, with more topical anthologies, intriguing verse novels, updated classics, new voices, fun favorites, science connections, sequels and more. There was lots of buzz at ALA about Stephanie Hemphill’s new Wicked Girls and Marilyn Singer’s Mirror, Mirror and Douglas Florian’s Poetrees and Pat Mora’s Dizzy in Your Eyes and I got a quick look at many of the titles on the list. I can’t wait to get them all, read them, and share them with you. Check back here from time to time and I’ll update this posting with new additions, rather than posting new lists. Happy new year in poetry!
- Ada, Alma Flor and Campoy, Isabel. 2010. Muu, Moo! Rimas de animales/Animal Nursery Rhymes. Rayo/HarperCollins.
- Adoff, Arnold. 2010. Roots and Blues, A Celebration. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Ahlberg, Allan and Ingram, Bruce. 2010. Everybody Was a Baby Once. Candlewick.
- Alexander, Cecil. 2010. All Things Bright and Beautiful. Ill. by Ashley Bryan. Atheneum.
- Archer, Peggy. 2010. Name that Dog. Dial.
- Atkins, Jeannine. 2010. Borrowed Names; Poems About Laura Ingalls Wilder, Madam C. J. Walker, Marie Curie, and Their Daughters. Henry Holt.
- Brisson, Pat. 2010. The Best and Hardest Thing. Viking.
- Blackaby, Susan. 2010. Nest, Nook & Cranny. Charlesbridge.
- Brown, Calef. 2010. Hallowilloween; Nefarious Silliness. Houghton Mifflin.
- Cooling, Wendy. (Comp.) 2010. All the Wild Wonders; Poems of Our Earth. Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
- Crawley, Dave. 2010. Reading, Rhyming, and ‘Rithmetic. Boyds Mills Press.
- Cullinan, Bernice and Wooten, Deborah. Eds. 2010. Another Jar of Tiny Stars; Poems by More NCTE Award Winning Poets. Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press.
- Denton, Graham. (Comp.) 2010. My Cat Is in Love with the Goldfish. A & C Black.
- Ehlert, Lois. 2010. Lots of Spots. Beach Lane Books.
- Elliott, David. 2010. In the Wild. Ill. by Holly Meade. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick.
- Engle, Margarita. 2010. The Firefly Letters; A Suffragette's Journey to Cuba. Henry Holt.
- Florian, Douglas. 2010. Poetrees. Simon & Schuster.
- George, Kristine O’Connell. 2010. Emma’s Dilemma. Clarion.
- Gottfried, Maya. 2010. Our Farm; By the Animals of Farm Sanctuary. Knopf.
- Hemphill, Stephanie. 2010. Wicked Girls; A Novel of the Salem Witch Trials. HarperCollins.
- Holbrook, Sara. 2010. Zombies! Evacuate the School! Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press.
- Hopkins, Lee Bennett. (Ed). 2010. Amazing Faces. Ill. By Chris Soentpiet. Lee and Low.
- Hopkins, Lee Bennett. (Ed.) 2010. Give Me Wings. Holiday House.
- Hopkins, Lee. Bennett. (Ed.) 2010. Sharing the Seasons. Margaret McElderry.
- Houle, Michelle M. (Comp.) 2010. Poetry Rocks: Modern British Poetry; “The World is Never the Same.” Enslow.
- Hubbell, Patricia. 2010. Snow Happy! Tricycle Press.
- Jackson, Rob. 2010. Weekend Mischief. Boyds Mills Press.
- Johanson, Paula. (Comp.) 2010. Poetry Rocks: World Poetry; “Evidence of Life.” Enslow.
- Katz, Alan. 2010. Too Much Kissing; And Other Silly Dilly Songs About Parents. Simon & Schuster.
- Koertge, Ron. 2010. Shakespeare Makes the Playoffs. Candlewick.
- Lawson, JonArno. 2010. Think Again. Kids Can Press.
- Levy, Debbie. 2010. Maybe I’ll Sleep in the Bathtub Tonight. Sterling.
- Levy, Debbie. 2010. The Year of Goodbyes; A True Story of Friendship, Family and Farewells. Hyperion.
- Lewis, J. Patrick. 2010. The Fantastic 5 & 10 Cent Store. Schwartz & Wade/Random House.
- Lewis, J. Patrick. 2010. Skywriting: Poems in Flight. Creative Editions.
- Llanas, Sheila Griffin. (Comp.) 2010. Poetry Rocks: Contemporary American Poetry; “Not the End, But the Beginning.” Enslow.
- Luján, Jorge. 2010. Brunhilda and the Ring. Translated by Hugh Hazelton. Groundwood.
- Mavor, Sally. (Comp.) 2010. Pocketful of Posies; A Treasury of Nursery Rhymes. Houghton Mifflin.
- Mora, Pat. 2010. Dizzy in Your Eyes; Poems About Love. Knopf.
- Nesbitt, Kenn. 2010. The Tighty Whitey Spider. Sourcebooks.
- Nye, Naomi Shihab (Comp.) 2010. Time You Let Me In; 25 Poets Under 25. Greenwillow.
- Paschen, Elise and Raccah, Dominique. (Comp.) 2010. Poetry Speaks; Who I Am. Sourcebooks.
- Peters, Lisa Westberg. 2010. Volcano Wakes Up! Henry Holt.
- Prelutsky, Jack. (Comp.) 2010. There’s No Place Like School. HarperCollins.
- Raczka, Bob. 2010. Guyku: A Year of Haiku for Boys. Ill. by Peter Reynolds. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
- Richards, Jame. 2010. Three Rivers Rising. Knopf.
- Rockwell, Thomas. 2010. Emily Stew with Some Side Dishes. Roaring Brook Press.
- Rosenthal, Amy Krouse. 2010. The Wonder Book. Ill. by Paul Schmid. HarperCollins.
- Saltzberg, Barney. 2010. All Around the Seasons. Candlewick.
- Shannon, George and Brunelle, Lynn. Chicken Scratches; Poultry Poetry and Rooster Rhymes. Chronicle.
- Sidman, Joyce. 2010. Ubiquitous; Celebrating Nature's Survivors. Houghton Mifflin.
- Sidman, Joyce. 2010. Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night. Houghton Mifflin.
- Singer, Marilyn. 2010. Mirror, Mirror. Dutton.
- Smith, Charles R., Jr. 2010. Black Jack; The Ballad of Jack Johnson. Roaring Brook Press.
- Spinelli, Eileen. 2010. The Dancing Pancake. Knopf.
- Stevenson, Robert Louis. 2010. A Child’s Garden of Verses. Ill. by Barbara McClintock. HarperCollins.
- Swaim, Jessica. 2010. Scarum Fair. Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press.
- Swinburne, Stephen. 2010. Ocean Soup; Tide-Pool Poems. Charlesbridge.
- Trapani, Iza. 2010. Rufus and Friends School Days. Charlesbridge.
- Watson, Renee. 2010. A Place Where Hurricanes Happen. Random House.
- Weinstock, Robert. 2010. Can You Dig It? Disney-Hyperion.
- Williams, Carol Lynch. 2010. Glimpse. Simon & Schuster.
- Wolf, Sallie. 2010. The Robin Makes a Laughing Sound. Charlesbridge.
- Yolen, Jane and Peters, Andrew Fusek. 2010. Switching on the Moon; A Very First Book of Bedtime Poems. Candlewick.
- Zimmer, Tracie Vaughn. 2010. Cousins of Clouds; Elephant Poems. Clarion.
(Poem/fiction hybrids, autobiographies of poets, picture books about poets and poetry, novels with poem-writing characters and poems interspersed, fiction works by notable poets, etc.)
- Czekaj, Jef. 2010. Hip & Hop, Don't Stop. Disney-Hyperion.
- Flake, Sharon. 2010. You Don’t Even Know Me; Stories and Poems about Boys. Hyperion.
- Glaser, Linda. 2010. Emma’s Poem; The Voice of the Statue of Liberty. Houghton Mifflin.
- Grimes, Nikki. 2010. Nikki Grimes: Out of the Dark. Richard C. Owen.
- Kooser, Ted. 2010. Bag in the Wind. Candlewick.
- Kumin, Maxine. 2010. What Color is Caesar? Candlewick.
- Nelson, Jandy. 2010. The Sky is Everywhere. Dial.
- Perdomo, Willie. Clemente. Henry Holt.
- Ryan, Pam Munoz. 2010. The Dreamer. Ill. By Peter Sis. Scholastic.
- Watson, Renee. 2010. What Momma Left Me. Bloomsbury.
- Yolen, Jane. 2010. Jane Yolen: On the Slant. Richard C. Owen.
Posting (not poem) by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2010. All rights reserved.
Image credit: avalonicecream.com
I guess great minds thinl alike. I did a post about some of the children's poetry books that will be published in the first half of 2010. It's not as extensive as your list.
BTW, did you see the book trailer for Joyce Sidman's UBIQUITOUS: CELEBRATING NATURE'S SURVIVORS? It's great. I can't wait to read Sidman's book.
Thanks for this wonderful list, Sylvia!!
OK, seriously??? This is a crazy, wild list!! Wow -- printing out! Thanks!
I saw a couple pages of MIRROR, MIRROR: A BOOK OF REVERSIBLE VERSE by Marilyn Singer (your #35) last Saturday at an SCBWI program and it looked incredibly interesting/clever/wants to be on my book shelf.
Thanks so much for this list! So many titles/poets to look forward to!
I know, I know, I'm SO excited about this wealth of poetry for young people-- and there may well be a few more titles to add as the year goes on. Either way, I think there are some wonderful gems coming our way.
That's hilarious, Elaine, that we both did a "sneak peek" on the same day! Great minds, indeed!
Thanks, all, for stopping by and commenting. I'll be getting these books, reading them, and reviewing them as I am able, all year long, so please stop by again periodically.
Sylvia, What a lovely scoop! Thank you! The year is looking pretty good. Jeannine Atkins
Thanks for sharing. Looks like it's going to be a good year for poetry. I can't wait to read some of these titles.
WOW! I'm like Liz -- printing this out!! What a richly poetic year of reading to look forward to!
Kristine O'Connell George is one of my favorite poets. So I was so happy to see that she has a new book: Emma's Dilemma. I'm not sure if anyone has talked about this yet, but I recently visited her website and found that she has an amazing tool called Kids Poetry Bookstore. On this site, you can do a number of things. There are many tabs such as "new releases," "Loved, but out of print titles,"teaching poetry," "writing poetry," and many other search tools all related to children's poetry. I'm so excited about exploring this site further.
Thanks for the list Sylvia!
Wow, Sylvia, you are amazing.
Thanks for keeping track!
I'm new to the children's poetry world, but my Candlewick book is coming out February 7th and it is four poems. One for each of the seasons. The book is called, All Around the Seasons. (is it politically incorrect to mention this? Is so, I apologize!) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Barney Saltzberg
Thanks so much for the scoop on 2010 children's poetry books, Sylvia! I'm printing this out, too, and can't wait to check them out. Since you asked, my picture book NAME THAT DOG! will be out from Dial on April 1, 2010, and I hope you'll consider adding it. It's an alphabet book of poems about dogs and their names. Thanks.
Oh thanks a zillion for the wonderful list.
I am printing it out and carrying it to our local bookstore.
You're a peach!
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Thanks so much for putting this list together, Sylvia. Looks like it's going to be a great year for poetry!
...and thanks for the additional comments and compliments, everyone-- and the book additions, Peggy and Barney. Congrats to you both. I look forward to checking out your books, too.
THANK YOU for adding me to your impressive list! I'm glad I spoke up! MOST sincerely, Barney Saltzberg
Thanks for adding me to your list, Sylvia :)
Thanks so much for including Scarum Fair on the list of exciting new poetry releases. Love your website! Keep up the good work!
Jessica Swaim
Thank you so much for this post! Are you interested in adding published children's narrative verse stories as well and Verse stories in digital form [apps etc]?
Best wishes
Hi Sylvia
You might like to add to your list of Children's poets Lorraine Marwood
and John Malone and myself. :)
I am about to start a blog/site re children's poetry but John and Lorraine's sites are :
John doesn't appear to have a poetry blog but his book updates are posted here: http://sawriters.org.au/general/john-malone
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