Next up, Marilyn Singer!
With a writing career that has spanned 35 years and bibliography that includes approximately 90 titles, how do you briefly introduce Marilyn Singer? Do you discuss her many genres? Name one and she has written something that we can categorize under that heading. Awards? Too numerous to list.
Marilyn started her writing career creating teachers’ guides for filmstrips. Her first children’s book, The Dog Who Thought He Wasn’t (Dutton, 1976), was a departure from her then typical norm of poetry, but it felt right, and so it began.
Marilyn is not only prolific, but passionate. Her many titles reflect personal events and interests. Through her works her love of animals is present as is her personal beliefs in social equality and discourse. Many of her nonfiction works were created because of annoyance: “When I heard one too many folks call a wasp a bee, or a gorilla a monkey… I got bugged enough to write A Wasp is Not a Bee (Holt, 1995)… Then there was a the time at Prospect Park Zoo when a little boy asked his mom why baboons have such big red butts.. the mother loudly replied ‘Because they’re sick.’ Instead of howling at her I came up with Bottoms Up!” (Holt, 1998). While irritation may have spurred these and other titles, her writing shows nothing but respect for her young audience.
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Throughout her career you will see two common denominators: her respect for her audience and her love of words. Marilyn states “And what better to do with such enchantment than to bring the magic to other, children in particular, by becoming a writer?”
Here, Marilyn reads the "Hansel and Gretel" poem from Mirror, Mirror. She manages to be BOTH the witch AND Gretel with her masterful delivery!
Image credit: SV; Marianne Follis
Thanks to Marianne Follis for research and writing our intros!
Posting (not poem) by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2011. All rights reserved.
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