The poetry playground is hopping as we keep tagging new poets. Check out yesterday’s poem by Avis Harley to see the connection with today’s poem by Rebecca Kai Dotlich. She writes, “When Avis tagged me with her delightfully clever ‘Why Dragon Fly?’, I focused on her inner poem, found the word 'fine', and began a poem about fine things . . ."

Scribble Me a Fine Thing . . .
on a fine sheet of paper
with a fine twig,
under a fine sky.
Scribble me a fine, fresh pine,
a daisy, a dot dot dot of blue rain
falling to the lane

into a fine puddle,
under a fine sky.
Scribble me a fine sparrow,
a small nest, then rest.

the creak creak creak of a swing
under a fine sky.
Then add in me. Now add in you.
Scribble me a fine thing.
Scribble me two.
By Rebecca Kai Dotlich Used by permission of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Five fun facts

*she grew up in the backyard of the Indy 500 (in Indianapolis)
*she began writing as a young child on a toy typewriter
*she loved walking to the bookmobile
*her first book of poetry for children was Sweet Dreams of the Wild, 1995
*she is a frequent contributor to poetry anthologies
[Based on Poetry People; A Practical Guide to Children’s Poets]
Look for these selected books by Dotlich:
*Bella and Bean (Simon & Schuster, 2009)
*Castles: Old Stone Poems with J. Patrick Lewis (Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press, 2006)
*Over in the Pink House: New Jump Rope Rhymes (Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press, 2004)
*In the Spin of Things: Poetry of Motion (Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press, 2003)
*When Riddles Come Rumbling: Poems to Ponder (Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press, 2001)
*Lemonade Sun and Other Summer Poems (Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press, 1998)

Next up: Lee Bennett Hopkins
Posting (not poem) by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2010. All rights reserved.
Image credit: tagyoureitonline.com;captainstlucifer.wordpress.com/2007/08/;http://twisted-genius.squarespace.com/storage/scribble.jpg;http://www.rebeccakaidotlich.com/;glittergeek.com;yappingcatstudio.typepad.com
Wow! What a wonderful poem! I loved the use of obvious and not so obvious rhyme in this poem Rebecca- I have always loved your poetry! I am so excited to be attending a poetry workshop with you this spring through Highlights Founders Workshop!
Lovely! I'll echo Mandy's words - am very much looking forward to the Highlights workshop. It'll be FINE!
How lucky we are to have Rebecca
in our world of poetry.
Lee Bennett Hopkins
Oooh! I want to be in this picture. Rebecca reminds us that we can make the worlds we dream of. Thank you for this whimsically warm poem and for the opportunity to watch this exciting game!
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