In response, Heidi wrote, “I chose my mom's use of lace and fancy outfits to relate to a poem I started working on during poet Lesléa Newman's (whom I am tagging as the next poet) “30 Poems in 30 Days” challenge. My daughter Maddison is a ballet dancer with Amherst Ballet and one of the things I do in my spare time is make ballet costumes for her performances. I've written several poems about costume making--many of them include three special characters who "help" me: Odette, our mannequin (a good name for a ballet mannequin--it's from Swan Lake) and our cats Sammy and Romeo who seem to always be around when there is sewing. Odette is a great help to me. Sammy and Romeo are not, as you can imagine.
I chose the silliest of my costume poems. I thought, too, that this poem could lead the next poet in many new directions in the game of poetry tag.”

By Heidi Stemple
Miles of lace
and acres of ribbon,
edged in bejeweled
bias tape.

and pin,
‘round my mannequin,
and a tutu
begins to take shape.
The pattern’s laid out,
the waist band is measured,
but, where is that
pink threaded spool?

a tear,
from under my chair…
The cat’s run away
with the tulle!

*she is Jane Yolen’s daughter
*she has written more than a dozen books in partnership with her mother
*she has written cookbooks
*her "middle" names are "Elisabet" and "Yolen"
*her poetry has appeared in magazines, as well as books
Look for these selected works by Stemple:
*Dear Mother, Dear Daughter: Poems for Young People (Boyds Mills Press, 2001) with Jane Yolen
*The Barefoot Book of Ballet Stories (Barefoot Books, 2009) with Jane Yolen
*Not All Princesses Dress in Pink (Simon & Schuster, 2010) with Jane Yolen
*Dance Around the World (Barefoot Books, 2010) with Jane Yolen
*Stemple’s poems also appear in Robert's Snowflakes, Nick Jr. Magazine, several Lee Bennett Hopkins anthologies, Here's a Little Poem, Baby Bug, Cricket, Falling Down The Page, and many other places

Next up: Lesléa Newman
Posting (not poem) by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2010. All rights reserved.
Image credit: tagyoureitonline.com;captainstlucifer.wordpress.com/2007/08/;facebook.com;wendyusuallywanders;showerherbaby.com;s475.photobucket.com
Love the last two lines, and is that a literary allusion? "And the dish ran away with the spoon"... Thanks, Heidi (and Tricia!).
What a great poem! It brings back great memories. My granny made me Halloween costumes, Easter dresses, graduation dresses, prom dresses, and every other kind of special occasion dress imaginable. I treasure those memories as I'm sure Heidi's daughter Maddison will.
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