By Bobbi Katz
Just one look at Medusa
Could turn you to stone.
When she says, "Let's talk."
Play it safe. Use the phone.
She's a very vain monster,
But she'll never say,
"I'm having a terrible bad hair day.
" What's the complaint that Medusa makes?
"I can't do a thing
with this head full of snakes!"
Copyright 2010 by Bobbi Katz, The Monsterologist: a Memoir in Rhyme, used by permission of the author, who controls all rights.
Five f
*she was born in New York
*her first job was as a freelance writer and editor of Middle Eastern affairs
*she has also worked as a social worker, an art historian, a fashion editor, and a radio talk host
*she is also a peace and environmental activist
*she has also authored professional books such as Partner Poems for Building Fluency (Scholastic, 2006)
[Based on Poetry People; A Practical Guide to Children’s Poets]
Look for these selected poetry books by Katz:
*Puddle-wonderful: Poems to Welcome Spring (Random House, 1992)
*We the People: Poems (Greenwillow, 2000)
*A Rumpus of Rhymes: A Book of Noisy Poems (Dutton, 2001)
*Pocket Poems (Dutton, 2004)
*Once Around the Sun (Harcourt, 2006)
*Trailblazers; Poems of Exploration (Greenwillow, 2007)
*More Pocket Poems (Dutton, 2009)

Next up: Douglas Florian
Posting (not poem) by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2010. All rights reserved.
Image credits: tagyoureitonline.com;captainstlucifer.wordpress.com/2007/08;wildrosereader;lunchat1130
"Play it safe. Use the phone."
PERFECT!!! :-)
Great poem. My kids have been fascinated by Medusa and mythology ever since seeing a Caravaggio painting of her years ago. Your blog is a super resource!
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