Here are the details gleaned from postings by Laura Atkins, Senior Lecturer at the NCRCL.
Date: Saturday, 12 November 2011
Location: University of Roehampton, London
Theme: “It Doesn’t Have to Rhyme: Children and Poetry”
The conference will explore aspects of poetry that impinge on young people, with a focus on the question “Why does poetry matter?” This begs the more fundamental question: What is poetry?” which they hope also to explore. Plenary speakers include Morag Styles, Michael Rosen, Jacqueline Wilson, Susan Bassnett and a panel of people involved with the publication and anthologizing of poetry.
Here is their Provisional Programme:
9.30 Registration and coffee, Terrace Room
10.00 Welcome (Pat Pinsent)
10:10 Morag Styles (Cambridge University)
11:00 Publishing panel: Janetta Otter Barry (Frances Lincoln), Gaby Morgan (Macmillan) and Fiona Waters (anthologist; Troubadour)
11:45 Comfort break (don't you love that label?!)
12:00 Michael Rosen
12:45 IBBY, NCRCL and 2012 World Congress news
1:00 Lunch, Montefiore Diner
2:00 Parallel workshops, see notices
3.15 Susan Bassnett (The Times Stephen Spender 2010 prizes judge).
3:45 Tea, Terrace Room
4:15 Jacqueline Wilson
5:00 Joelle Taylor (Poetry Society) Poetry Slam
5:30 Finish
Programme of Workshops
Workshop A
Sandra A. Agard. It Doesn’t Have to Rhyme.
David A. Whitley. Children’s Poetry: Loose Cannons and Loose Iambics.
Workshop B
Lucy Andrew. Riddles in the Dark: The Role of Poetry in Children’s Fantasy Novels from Alice to Harry Potter.
Rebecca R. Butler. Imaginative Opportunities in Two Verse Novels.
Workshop C
Kimberly Black. Social Protest in Urban Youth Spoken-Word Poetry.
Imogen Church. Authenticity of Voice in Poetry Written by Juvenile Offenders.
Workshop D
Julie Blake. Reclaiming the Oral Tradition: The Poetry Archive.
Mathew Carthew. Slam Dunk: Performance as a Way of Bringing Children’s Poetry to Life.
Workshop E
Fiona Collins and Alison Kelly. Poetry Journeys: From Child to Student Teacher.
Jenny Vernon. Ten Years of Children’s Poetry: The Southwark Poetry Anthologies.
Workshop F
Pat Ebhohimen. Is Poetry Written by Children really Poetry?
Robert Hull. Can a Love of Poetry be Taught?
Workshop G
Emily Roach. Dealing with Death: Tough Topics in Poetry for Children.
Siwan M. Rosser. Negotiating Borders: Poetry and the Language of Children.
Workshop H
Georgie Horrell. Caribbean Children’s Poetry in Multicultural Britain.
Aneesh Baria. Children and Cats in the Alley: T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats and its French Translations.
Doesn't this look cool? I won’t be able to attend, so I contacted the conference organizers about whether proceedings of the conference would be published and I’m pleased to share that the answer is YES. There will be short abstracts if the conference in the Spring 2012 issue of IBBYLink. The journal goes out to all members of IBBY UK so if you are a member you will get that. The proceedings with the fuller papers will be published by Pied Piper Publishing in October 2012. So, I’ll watch for that and keep you posted!
Image credit: www.ncrcl.ac.uk
Posting by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2011. All rights reserved.
Doesn't that look good? Too bad I won't happen to be in London this weekend:>) I want to hear these speakers answers to the questions they pose in their session titles! Oh well--glad they're publishing the papers next year.
Thank you for letting others know about this event. I am pleased to say that this is one conference that I can finally make it to.
--Carol-Ann Hoyte
Thank you for letting others know about this event. I am pleased to say that this is one conference that I can finally make it to.
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