IBBY Honour List Poetry Selections

Roumain, Jacques
Jacques Roumain parie aux enfants
(Jacques Roumain talks to children)
Ill. Lyll-Martine René

Ní Ghlinn, Áine
Brionglóidi agus aistir eile
(Dreams and other journeys)
Ill. Carol Betera

Quarenghi, Giusi
E sulle case il cielo
(The sky above the houses)
Ill. Chiara Carrer

Paso Fernando del
¡Hay naranjas y hay limones!
Pregones refranes y adivinzas en verso
(There are oranges and lemons)
Ill. Josel

Gerlach, Eva
Het punt met mij is dat ik alles kan
(The issue for me is that I can do everything)
Ill. Charlotte Vonk

Illustrated by Chamorro, Marco
Cielos descalzos (Barefoot skies)
Written by Wafi Salih

Ilustrated by Stepančič, Damijan
Majhnice in majnice.
Pesmi mnogih let za mnoge bralce
Buddings Songs, Maying Songs
Written by Tone Pavček
[For annotations of these titles, see entry prior to this one. Just as a reminder: The IBBY Honour List is a biennial selection of outstanding, recently published books, honoring writers, illustrators and translators from IBBY member countries around the world. The first Honour List in 1956 was a selection of 15 entries from 12 countries. For the 2010 Honour List, 54 countries have sent 164 nominations in 44 different languages—with a total of 64 entries in the category of “writing,” 52 in the category of “illustration,” and 48 in the category of “translation.” This list provides a “welcome opportunity to study and review the production of children’s books” around the world—the best each country has to offer an international audience.]
Posting (not poem) by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2010. All rights reserved.
1 comment:
Respected Sylvia Mam,
It's really very informative post.At least people(writers,poets,graphik artists etc..) should know about these books.I appreciate your this work.
Mam, i am also trying to write some stories,poemes for children.And i want to know your opinion about my writing.So please i will be highly oblige if you will spair some time for my blog also.My blogs link is--http://childrensheaven.blogspot.com
With best wishes.
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