Friday, March 21, 2025

Let's get KOOKY!

Just in time for National Poetry Month, Janet and I are so excited to announce a new book for kids: MY Kooky Compendium of Thimblethoughts & Wonderfuzz

This is a companion book for Clara’s Kooky Compendium of Thimblethoughts and Wonderfuzz, with fun and funny prompts to ignite kids' imaginations and get them wondering and writing! 

do elephants like music?

things I wonder . . . 

what new holidays should we invent?

here's a list of happy sounds:

These prompts are organized around sub themes and topics to guide young writers in trying a variety of activities. Kids can write IN this book because most of it is BLANK. But around each blank space, you'll find kooky prompts and crazy questions to spur creativity and critical thinking. Here are four sample pages: 

Janet and I talk about it briefly here:

Let's grow young writers and encourage their wondering, their curiosity, their research, their writing, and their laughter! You can find the book at QEP Books and Amazon. Check it out!
Now head on over to Rose's blog, Imagine the Possibilities, for our Poetry Friday gathering! 


jama said...

What fun!! You guys are too cute . . . and the best!! Sounds like a great companion workbook. Congratulations!

Janet Wong said...

If there is ANYONE who understands how much FUN we have when we're working, it's YOU, Jama! We're ALWAYS inspired by you (and Cornelius)!!!

Linda said...

What a great idea! Your new book looks like so much fun. It is going to inspire a lot of great thinking and writing. Congratulations on another awesome project!

Sarah Grace Tuttle said...

This looks great! Congratulations!

Rose Cappelli said...

Such a wonderful idea! Congratulations!