Jacqueline writes:
Tag Your Dreams: Poems of Play and Persistence was released by Albert Whitman on April 1, 2020. From baseball, basketball, and football to double-dutch, mini-golf, and turning a cartwheel, these poems look at facing fears, dreaming big, and never giving up.
Backstory from Jacqueline Jules
Tag Your Dreams was a collection written bit by bit over the last twenty years. I was inspired to write “At Bat” in the mid 1990’s when I was a baseball mom, watching my sons and their teammates go up to the plate after striking out. Their courage to keep trying inning after inning struck me as a metaphor for how one should live life.
Forget wrong decisions
returning in silence
to sulk on the bench.
That was last time
and the time before.
The first draft of “At Bat” was scribbled in a notebook while sitting in a lawn chair at my youngest son’s Little League game. I was happy with the body of the poem, but not sure about the ending. Was “I’ll keep my eye on the ball and send fear sailing over the fence” better? Or was “send doubt sailing over the fence” better?
Back then, as now, I did poetry workshops in classrooms. I decided as part of one of my poetry workshops to let a class vote on the best ending for my poem, “At Bat.” The students chose “send fear sailing over the fence” and I’ve been happy with the last line ever since.
Several poems in Tag Your Dreams were regularly shared in poetry workshops with students. My school district has a wonderful program called Pick a Poet in which working poets are invited into individual classrooms to discuss their process and provide writing prompts. My most popular workshop was called “Get Active: Writing Poems About Sports.” I offered my own original poems as writing models. Poems on basketball, volleyball, hockey, and skiing described topics the students were familiar with. This background knowledge helped them identify the metaphors and literary devices I used in my work.

Be well! Be active!
Sylvia: Thank you, Jackie, for sharing this "back story" with us. I've never been much of an athlete myself, although I am an excellent walker! But I agree that sports can be a terrific outlet and release for us all.
Next, join the rest of the Poetry Friday gathering at the Poem Farm where the lovely Amy Ludwig VanDerwater is hosting us all. Stay home, stay safe, and stay well, everyone!
Hello, Sylvia and hello, Jackie! As a neighbor I recall happy times participating in the Pick-a-Poet program. I love that at its heart your collection is about persistence and not just sports, and your story of writing the poems over a long period fits right in.
I wonder how hard we have to hit right now--or how fast we have to walk--to send this collective fear over the fence? Be well, friends!
Can't wait to read it! Congratulations!
This collection is a must have for classrooms and libraries. When I was teaching, I was always searching for sports related poems to share with my students. And I love the theme of perseverance that runs throughout this post.
Oh YAY! A new Jacqueline Jules book! And my readers LOVE sports poems!
I love this peek behind the scenes...stories of big projects growing over time are inspiring for all of us. Children will love this - and the connection to poetry workshops is wonderful too. So many congratulations and thank you to you both. Happy Poetry Month and all health. xx
I love the message in these poems, and I'm going to order a copy for my grandchildren. I can't wait to read the entire collection! Congratulations, Jacqueline!
I have two very active granddaughters who will love this book, Jacqueline. One plays softball & had to overcome that fear bigtime when pitching for the first time. The other is a gymnast, also working to get to the next level with new challenges. They will love the poems & be inspired by them. Thanks for your post, Sylvia & for your backstory, Jacqueline, also inspiring!
Thank you for the introduction to Jacqueline Jules and this book. I find 'backstories' fascinating. Be well. :)
Oh I can tell I will love this book and am so interested in your post, Jacqueline. Happy to get to know a fellow poetry person!!
Janet Clare F.
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