We led a pre-conference "Poetry Rodeo" workshop for four hours that had the poets sharing ideas for engaging with poetry in all areas of the curriculum, from math to science to mindfulness to fine art and more. Each participant received a bag of free poetry books!

Then, five of these poets were sponsored for the 14th annual Poetry Round Up, with another dozen or so chiming in to read their poetry in a spontaneous jam of poetry!

Plus, we met in between at the Dallas Public Library to share ideas and approaches, raise questions, film videoclips, and just laugh, relax, and inspire each other. What a privilege and a pleasure!

We also gathered for a fun dinner all together

and had lunch at the Dallas Farmers' Market

Are you familiar with the works of these poets? Here's just a sampling:

And here we are ALL together!
You really POURED yourself into organizing these amazing events, Sylvia . . . thank you and KUDOS to you!!!
Sylvia and Janet, thank you, thank you, thank you! I loved what you did and how you did it. Once again you have created joyful learning experiences for people on both sides of the microphone.
Thank you for two amazing days!
Thank you to Sylvia and Janet for for corralling this group of poets and for all the amazing poetry programming!
Thank you EVERYONE. Songs, talks, delicious food, fellowship laughter=POETRY Sylvia and Janet the poetry champions
I feel so lucky that I got to participate in this wonderful gathering. Thank you Sylvia and Janet! Poetry Champions!
Many, many thanks to Sylvia and Janet. What a fabulous and inspiring three days in Texas. I loved connecting with fellow poets and hope we'll continue to remain in touch.
Now to unpack and get to work writing more poems!
Thanks so much for all the lovely comments! And thank YOU, Janet, for all your support in making these poetry event at TLA such a success. Teamwork! And I love my Team Poetry!
Dear Sylvia, Janet, and Fellow Poets: My heart is full. Because of you, I can continue writing, creating, producing... thank you for revitalizing me. Besos y abrazos a todos!!!
Woo-hoo! We're lucky buckaroos to be rounded up by you two! Thanks and love <3
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