Here René writes about the evolution of his teaching and shares (with permission) some of the work his students created this summer. Enjoy!
Don’t Be Fooled: Nothing’s Wasted on the Young
A Meandering Piece by René Saldaña, Jr.
Throughout my six years teaching reading and writing in a secondary language arts classroom in Texas, one of the biggest beefs I had with my students on the whole was that they didn’t pay attention: to me, to instructions, to the world around them. A shame, because if only they had, I would tell them, your writing would be that much better. “All you have to do is to pay attention, observe, just take care to notice stuff.” So much world wasted on the young.
Oh, in my arrogance (I had only just graduated with a masters in literature and boy did I know it all, and way more where my students were concerned!) I refused to give them the benefit of the doubt; instead I pulled a Ruby Payne before Ruby Payne existed as such and sought to blame the kids’ culture of poverty for their lack of willingness to learn. To simply sit back and listen to me teach them what I knew in my heart of hearts would show them how they could defeat this mean and ugly world that had managed to stack every card against them, etc., etc, ad nauseam.
Today, a couple decades and a half later, I don’t “teach” as much as I learn to teach in the moment. I’m trying to take my own advice: to do a lot more paying attention of my own in the classroom, to the personality of this classroom compared to the next and the following and adjusting my approaches, observing the individual student to see what he or she will teach me about teaching, planning for tomorrow only after a long day based on how it went today. I’m more chill today. No less rigorous and my expectations are just as high as before if not more so. But the gray hair has set in on my beard and head, I move slower (or smoother depending on the perspective), I prefer the organic nature of teaching.
It wasn’t that they weren’t paying attention; in fact, they were paying very careful attention. It had more to do with my teaching, which is to say, I really wasn’t, teaching that is. I stood in front of the classroom, center stage droning on about one thing or another, expecting them to just get it, and if they didn’t, it had more to do with them and their ill-educated parents who cared little about their children’s academic success than with me. After all, wasn’t it I who showed up every morning ready to teach their children, “on the front lines,” we described it as. I had been one of them, literally: I had graduated from this very district years back, had left for college, left the state, as a matter of fact, made it through a bachelor’s and a master’s. I knew what was best for them. What I didn’t know was how to teach them, how to reach them.
Nowadays, I own that I don’t know jack about teaching, despite years doing it at the secondary and university levels, and in a college of education for the past 10 years no less (don’t believe me? I’ve got the lapel pin to show you if you need proof). I have learned a few things, chief among them, young people do pay attention to me (I like to tell myself this at least), to the instructions I give them (today more about inquiry than passively taking in what I dish out), and to the world around them. They’ve actually been paying very careful attention. All they need to show us how much they have been doing so is to provide for them a venue: and poetry—the reading of it, and the writing of it, especially—is just such a venue.

We set up the cafeteria at South Plains College in Levelland (TX) for the readings, and each poet came up with poem in hand and read, while the rest of us sat back and enjoyed. They wanted to snap fingers instead of clap because isn’t that how we should react to poetry? One poet wrote a piece about the day her mother died in a violent car accident. The poet had been in the car, and last thing she remembers is her mother there, then when she comes to, the mother gone literally, but also gone-gone, if you get my meaning, and hers. The audience didn’t know how to react. Not a single one of them snapped a finger for her. They were stunned at her bravery to read such a personal poem. Her voice had even quavered at just the right places. I knew the truth: she’d made up that part about the mother dying. She’d started with truth, then veered, dramatically, traumatically, created a persona, and wrote a moving quasi-apostrophe. The audience was relieved to hear my explanation. They were glad at the news, but still couldn’t find it in them to give her a hearty round of snaps. Somehow that worked better.
Following is a sampling of their work:
Thank you, René, Lily, Jasmine, Cynthia, Martha, and Marisol. How lovely to spend some time with you and your summer writing. Your hearts shine through your poems! Please keep writing….
Now, look for more Poetry Friday sharing at Radio, Rhythm, & Rhyme where Matt is hosting our party and launching his own wonderful new book, Flashlight Night.
Oh, these poems swing wide the windows of my heart. They are so beautiful, so straight, so clear and bright. Thank you for sharing them. What a wise teacher. What words. xx
What Amy said! Intriguing, insightful, encouraging...great post.
This is exactly what I needed to see today....that people are reading and writing their world...young people....grown people...even Drs. I don't know jack about teaching either. But, I want to do what Dr. Saldana does. I want my students to feel the power of their words and the words of their peers and to stand on the shoulders of them and reach for more.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful, lovely poems. I know the longer I taught, the less I knew about teaching, but I wanted to learn alongside my students. Thank you for introducing us to Dr.Saldana.
René Saldaña, Jr.: LOVE the work you're doing!!!!!!!
Lily, Jasmine, Cynthia, Martha, and Marisol: Thank you so much for sharing yourselves through your poems. You have such strong voices!
Of course I agree with you all! I also appreciate how honest and self-aware René is here and how generous his students are in sharing their beautiful poems. So encouraging and inspiring to see the younger generation and their powerful self-expression and hopeful dreams.
I'm telling you all, these are five poets out of so many. The students were all naturals at this. Some rougher diamonds than others, but I would leave for the day in awe. And the performances--dumb me b/c I didn't document any of it on film or audio. But the plan for next summer is to take their best piece, work on them some more, take a new group of students and start what we did this past summer, finish their pieces, and publish a book of their work. We're going to study publishing. They taught me a great deal about how to look at life: shift my perspective even a degree and see the world so differently.
I often think that there's poet inside of all us, but it's so often driven out and silenced as we grow up. We're told that poetry only comes in certain styles or forms, that it can only be about certain topics, that it must follow certain rules, and if our voices don't fit into those boxes, then we're not real "Poets". I think what you've been able to do so beautifully is help these kids find those inner poetic voices and bring them back to life. Beautifully, beautifully done. Rene - you (and your students) are an inspiration.
Perhaps those who educate teachers could require a class in "paying attention to students". I enjoyed the intro by Rene and then this wonderful work with his students and the final celebration of their words. They do pay attention. Thanks Sylvia and Rene.
What powerful poems! Thank you for sharing!
René Saldaña, Jr. is amazing in his humility and ability to let the children retain their power. What a great tool this book is in helping kids express the many feelings inside them.
This post and these poems rocked me. If Rene were here right now, I'd shake his hand and if his students were here I'd hi-five them. I wish Ms. DeVos and every parent/student/educator/administrator in the land could read this post.Rene's words and the students poems made the ordinary extraordinary. That's where progress is made. Thank you for this, Sylvia.
HI! Thanks for including my upcoming novel. Please note it has a different name! It is now called The Way the Light Bends not The Excavation of Lincoln Malone!!
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