Friday, August 28, 2015

Welcome to the Poetry Friday Neighborhood

I just returned from Cape Town, South Africa, where I attended the IFLA conference (for librarians worldwide) and had the opportunity to do several talks about poetry in a variety of locales (including for the newspaper and national radio). One thing that was universally popular was the whole idea of Poetry FRIDAY! The idea of pausing for poetry at the end of the week just grabbed everyone across the board. And I just love that! So here we are celebrating another Poetry Friday. Welcome, everyone!

Here's a poem that I shared several times that was a always a big hit-- along with the "Take 5" activities for introducing and sharing this poem, "Welcome" by Linda Kulp Trout. It's from The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations, of course! And all these images are available on Pinterest, too.

And if you'd like to share the poem in Spanish, here is "Bienvenido" too.

Now you're all set for celebrating Good Neighbor Day next month (on September 28). Meanwhile, dear poetry neighbors, please add your link to your Poetry Friday post this week below. 


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if this is where I'm supposed to post my Poetry Friday link? A wee-bit confused because of that Mister Linky's Magical Widget... so if I've done it wrong, please let me know.

My Poetry Friday post includes a snippet from my verse novel WIP - and also links in with the BookWeek theme, 'Books Light Up Our World'.

Sally Murphy said...

Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday, Sylvia, and for sharing the we;come poem. I love the idea of the Celebrations anthology.

Robyn Hood Black said...

Welcome Home, Sylvia - thank you for hosting so soon upon your return. And thanks for sharing Linda's wonderful poem, and for being such an amazing ambassador for children's poetry!

Anonymous said...

Ack! And I was so busy doing everything 'right' that I forgot to respond to your post. I was also checking out last week's post, with you lovely poetry publications. Sounds like a wonderful and rewarding time for you. The voice in Linda's Welcome poem is lovely.

Mary Lee said...

Happy Poetry! Happy Friday! Thanks for spreading the love around the world!

Margaret Simon said...

Thanks for hosting and always being an advocate for children's poetry.

Michelle Heidenrich Barnes said...

Well, hello neighbor! I always feel welcome at Poetry For Children, Sylvia. :) Thanks for hosting today, and for sharing Linda's sweet, perky poem with Take 5's.

Liz Steinglass said...

Thanks for hosting today and sharing Linda's poem. I love poems that use simple language so perfectly. Thanks too for being the #1 Ambassador of Children's Poetry!

Penny Parker Klostermann said...

Thanks for hosting, Sylvia. And thanks for sharing poetry love far and wide.

Maureen at Free Range Readers said...

I love this post, and your site! Happy Poetry Friday and thank you for some great ideas!Perfect timing!

Renee LaTulippe said...

Welcome back, Sylvia, and thanks for hosting today! What an amazing experience you had. I love that Poetry Friday is soon going to be a "thing" around the world thanks to you and Janet!

jama said...

Love hearing that the idea of Poetry Friday was so widely embraced. You and Janet are the best poetry ambassadors!

At Alphabet Soup, I have an interview with Susanna Reich about her new Beatles picture book biography. Also giving away a free copy.

Thanks so much for hosting. Linda's poem was the perfect way to start the day. :)

Catherine said...

Thanks for hosting today, Sylvia, and sharing your poetry love.

Irene Latham said...

Dear Sylvia, Linda's poem is the perfect welcome to Poetry Friday! Thank you for sharing. Yay for sharing your love and enthusiasm for poetry worldwide!! xo

Linda said...

Thank you so much for sharing my poem in such a beautiful way, Sylvia! I can't wait to show my students! You made today a true celebration!

Carol Varsalona said...

Sylvia, it is so exciting to hear that you traveled to South Africa and became poetry ambassador of good cheer spreading the news about Poetry Friday. Linda's poem and ideas are a wonderful introduction to the joys of poetry.

Matt Forrest Esenwine said...

Such a perfect poem to share, now that you're home, now that Poetry Friday is here, and now that kids are heading back to school! Thanks for hosting, Sylvia. I'm sharing a post from this past Tuesday, about Laura Purdie Salas' new book on poetry.

Keri said...

Poetry Friday is the most welcoming place on the Internet! (And yes, half a cookie sounds delicious! The breakfast of champions!) Thanks for hosting and for doing what you do *all over the world*! WOOT! Go Sylvia!!

Diane Mayr said...

I've been following your travels online and I love learning Poetry Friday has gained such acceptance.

Tabatha said...

Great welcome poem! Thanks for hosting.

Linda B said...

I've enjoyed seeing about your trip online, Sylvia. What a fabulous time it must have been. It's wonderful that they were excited about Poetry Friday. Thanks for hosting, and sharing the Welcome poem by Linda.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting today Sylvia.

Anastasia Suen said...

How wonderful to be spreading Poetry Friday worldwide!

Tricia said...

Hi Sylvia,

Thanks for hosting today. Cape Town sounds like it was wonderful. Today I'm sharing a favorite by Bobbi Katz.

Best to you!

Jan said...

Thank you for rounding up the poetry for this week. I'm sharing a second collaborative piece, written with Mary Lee Hahn and Steve Peterson.

Buffy Silverman said...

Love Linda's welcoming poem--welcome back to you, and thanks for hosting!