My time was very limited, but I did want to dig a
There were 6 folders of materials related to this book and I went through each item in each folder carefully examining what they all revealed about the creation of this book. Because I find the back-stories behind the creation of children’s books fascinating (how does the magician do that trick? I always marvel), I offer here a step-by-step examination of the available materials for one book. I think kids find this process interesting, too, and I believe it helps demystify the process a bit so they see that writers WORK to write the books kids love. Please join me in my research-walk through these snippets of how one book came to be.
The first file folder for
The second folder contains another typescript, also with corrections, and this one is 50 pages long.
A third folder cont
In his draft of “City Talk; An Introduction,” Hopkins writes, “In Carl Sandburg’s Cornhuskers, published in 1918, he wrote a poem about Adelaide Crapsey. One of the lines states, ‘I read your heart in a book.’ Small wonder that one of America’s greatest poets recognized the majesty of this woman. Born in Brooklyn Heights, New York, her short, tragic life produced a vehicle which lives on in the words and thoughts of youngsters who have helped to perpetuate her versatile and imaginative discovery.” This note is dated November 4, 1969.
Where are these “junior poets” now, I wonder? I note some of their names:
Rodney Starr, Lewis Jackson, Dougal Douglas, Renee Smalls, Deborah Dore, Miriam Gent, Leon Bowman, Hattie Lile from Evanston, Illinois, Sandra Johnson, Willie Robinson, Maria Levant, Nancy Burns, Janet Binnie, Teresa Jastrzebski, Joe Donahue, Gretchen Winters, Peachie Moore, Marilyn Kruth and the whole crew from Wildwood, Pennsylvania.
If they were about 10 years old in about 1970, they’d be about 50 now, right? Do they remember having a poem published in a collection compiled by Lee Bennett Hopkins way back when?
In the next folder, I find a 67p. version of the typed pages including photocopies of the interleaved illustrations which are black and white photographs of kids playing in the city. They have a surprisingly contemporary feel. Kids are kids when it comes to sliding down slides and swinging a bat.
Here we also see the page of acknowledgements of the teachers who helped gather the poems. My favorite nugget appears at the end of this acknowledgement page:
“We regret that a cinquain by each child who wrote one for the project could not appear on the pages of this collection. Special thanks to these silent poets.”
Silent poets.
In the last folder, we have a 10 p. page proof photocopy, corrected, and 16 pages of a corrected dummy. There is also some correspondence (10 pages) with the publisher. There are careful notes (5 pages) and lists and correspondence regarding tracking down and accounting for the permissions for each of these young poets. Even in 1969 this was important.
A letter from the Juvenile department reads, “Dear Mr. Hopkins: Please find enclosed the dead matter for City Talk—manuscript, galleys, repros and blues—for your files.”
“Dead matter.”
Ouch. What a phrase. And yet here I am studying it some 40 years later!
There’s also the first
And here’s the finished book and a sampling of two of the kids’ cinquain poems from it:

Think of the rain.
Rain looks blue and dark grey.
It splashes hard on sidewalks, and,
On me!
Robert Harding, Julesburg, Colorado
It’s fall.
Leaves falling
Breezes showing signs of
Winter. Things settle down for a
Long nap.
Myrna Campbell, New York, New York
FYI: Use the search function to see other postings about poetry by children. In previous entries, I’ve mentioned other collections by Naomi Nye, Betsy Franco, Sanford Lyne, and others.
* * * * *
And if you’re attending the upcoming convention of the National Council of Teachers of English in Philadelphia, please join us on Friday (Nov. 20) at session A.18, for a “Poetry Party,” celebrating Lee Bennett Hopkins receiving the 2009 NCTE Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children. It will be Friday morning, 9:30-10:45am in Convention Center Room 201A on Level 2. Lee will be speaking, of course, and we’ll also have a crew of poets toasting and roasting him, including Jane Yolen, Janet Wong, Rebecca Kai Dotlich, J. Patrick Lewis, Georgia Heard, and Walter Dean Myers, among others. It is not-to-be-missed. In addition, Lee will officially receive his poetry award at the Books for Children luncheon on Saturday. If you can’t make the conference, look for the “Profile” article about Lee in the September 2009 (v. 87, n.1) issue of Language Arts by Janet Wong and Rebecca Kai Dotlich.
Look for more on the Poetry Friday front at Gottabook hosted by Gregory K.
Posting (not poem) by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2009. All rights reserved.
Image credit: SV at the CLRC
Fascinating! I'll definitely have to visit that collection at some point.
Thanks, Sylvia, for "taking us with you" on your visit to the Kerlan! What an amazing behind-the-scenes look at "The City I Love."
That's was fascinating, Sylvia. Thanks for digging... and then sharing.
Well, if no one comes to our A Session on Friday at NCTE, at least I know where (I hope) they all are!!! (ME, TOO!!!)
This was an amazing virtual tour you shared with us--thank you! One thing in particular jumped out at me. I am home with my mom in Burlington, CO right now (she had surgery last week) and Julesburg, home of Robert Harding who wrote the cinquain about fall, is just north of here. I went to swim meets in Julesburg when I was a kid and our high schools played each other in sports!
I'll be attending the Poetry Party for Lee and the Books for Children Luncheon. I am so looking forward to meeting you!
Sylvia, sorry I missed you when you were in Minneapolis. I'm on the Friends Board of the Kerln. We're all excited, because tomorrow we are having our 60th Kerlan Anniversary party, and Leonard Marcus is coming to speak. Should be great!
Loved your explication of Lee's book.
Sylvia, you tease! When I saw your post title, I thought Lee was coming to speak at the Kerlan!
Ah well, your detailed walk through this project is fun, too:>) I'm not familiar with this book--I'll have to hunt it down. I love Sanford Lyne's 10-Second Rainshowers (or something like that).
I've heard the phrase "dead matter" a lot. At first it made me cringe. Now I just think of it as the byproduct of a beautiful book. All the stuff produced along the way...
I'm so sad not to be going to NCTE this w/e. We're going to a family wedding in Atlanta. I can't wait to hear all about it, though! Have a blast!
Oh what a great treasures. My daughter was at the school for young writers and I was always stunned at the quality of poems of the young children
Fascinating stuff. Sylvia. Fun to spend a bit of time with you last night at dinner.
Thank you all for your comments and responses.
Great to meet you, Elaine!
I'm calling next time I'm in Minneapolis, Joyce! I'd love to meet up there!
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