The Magic House
by Jane Yolen
We should have known when we tasted the eaves,
Breaking them off like toffee
And cramming them into our mouths.
And the dear little windows, the color of coffee,
And chocolate doorknobs,
And windowpanes striped with mint.
We should have guessed at the chimney smoke,
White marshmallow fluff.
Taken the hint
From the marzipan bricks
And the fenceposts made of bone rubble.
But it was only when we saw the witch
That we knew we were in deep, deep trouble.
From: Livingston, Myra Cohn, comp. 1989. Halloween Poems. New York: Holiday House. This poem can also be found in Ms. Yolen’s own collection, Best Witches (Putnam, 1989). This poem appears here with the permission of the author. It is not to be published elsewhere without her express permission.
Check out all these poetry-loving blogs today:
Gregory K at Gottabook: An original Halloween poem
Monica Edinger: Five Poems by Nina Lindsay
Julie Larios: An ode to "Pencil Box"
Cloudscome: A review of Hip Hop Speaks to Children at A Wrung Sponge
Stacey at TwoWritingTeachers: At the Pumpkin Patch
Lisa Chellman at UndertheCovers: An original “Hobgoblins” poem
Jim Danielson: “The Halloween Spell”
Sara at ReadWriteBelieve: An original JPL, “Whatever Happened to Oliver Tooke?”
AuthorAmok: Some “Poe-etry” for Halloween
Mary Lee at AYearofReading: “Questionnaire”
Diane at TheWriteSisters: “Witches Chant” to read aloud
Kurious Kitty: “Theme in Yellow” by Carl Sandburg
Tricia at MissRumphiusEffect: “Apple” from Spooky ABC
Laura Salas: A video reading of her original poem
Jama Rattigan: Halloween memories and “Theme in Yellow”
Terry at Scrub-a-Dub-Tub: An original poem, “Ouch”
Janet: A Preamble video
Fiddler at AHabitofReading: A Lucy Maud Montgomery poem
Carol at Carol’sCorner: A “Black and Gold” chant
Jennifer Knoblock at InkforLit: “Cemetery Walk” for All Saints Day
Jone aka MsMac at CheckitOut: An original poem by Jessica, 5th grader
Elaine Magliaro at WildRoseReader: An original political list poem
and at BlueRoseGirls: "Halloween" written by Mac Hammond
John Mutford at BookMineSet: An eerie poem by Ardath Mayhar
Linda at WriteTime: A ghost villanelle
Tracy Marchini: Song lyrics from the Decemberists
Stenhouse Publishers: A classic by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Adrienne at WhatAdrienneThinksAboutThat: "Isabel the Brave" by Ogden Nash
Yat-Yee Chong: "I would like to describe" by Polish poet, Zbigniew Herbert
Alkelda the Gleeful at SaintsandSpinners: A Jack-o'-lantern song with video
Nadine C. Warner at KiddosandBooks: W.S. Gilbert's "The Yarn of the Nancy Bell"
Tiel Aisha Ansari at KnockingFromInside: “Teacup”
Shelburns at WriteforaReader: “Haunted House” by Jack Prelutsky
Little Willow at Bildungsroman: SPOOKY lyrics by Classics IV
Liz in Ink: A Frances Chesterton poem on Day of the Dead
Becky at Becky’sBookReviews: A snippet of Macbeth by Shakespeare
Becky at Farm School: Valerie Worth's "Pumpkin"
Alyssa at TheShadyGlade: “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe
Lorie Ann Grover at OnPoint: An original haiku called “Crows”
Eisha at 7-Imp: One of Edgar Allan Poe's worst poems (IHO)
Kevin Conder: A video of a zombie reading haiku poetry
Susan at ChickenSpaghetti: Citing the witches from Macbeth
Miss Erin: Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”
Sam Riddleburger: An oddball Halloween poem/riddle
Next week’s Poetry Friday round up will be at Check it Out.
In between, don’t forget to vote next Tuesday, Nov. 4.
Picture credits:
I'm up with a repost of an original Halloween poem, cleverly called...
Thanks for hosting!
Hi Sylvia, I've got a post about some poems of Nina Lindsay:
Thanks for hosting, Sylvia. No Halloween poem today, but over at The Drift Record, I'm in with a love poem I wrote to my pencil box.
Happy Halloween everyone and don't forget to vote on Tuesday! If you're not casting an absentee/mail-in ballot, go early to your polling place. There are long lines predicted, so be patient.
Oooo I love that Yolan poem! Perfect for 4th grade cleverness.
I'm in this week with a review of Hip Hop Speaks to Children. Thanks for rounding us up!
I'm in with a Halloween Poem from a great book by Whitehead: Thanks for hosting today Sylvia!
What a delightfully wicked little poem for Halloween! Thanks for it and for hosting, Sylvia.
My contribution is an original poem, "Hobgoblins."
I posted an original Halloween poem in honor of the day. Thanks for hosting.
Jim Danielson
J. Patrick Lewis has stopped by Read*Write*Believe today, with a treat: his Halloween poem, "Whatever Happened to Oliver Tooke?"
Happy Halloween, Sylvia!
I can't resist Edgar Allan Poe today. I'm in with his poem "Alone" and some news about a Baltimore vs. Philadelphia Poe smack-down.
I have a poem that is neither for children nor for Halloween, even though I'll be spending the day with both!
Hi Sylvia! Thanks for the sweetly evil Jane Yolen poem!
Janet of The Write Sisters invites readers to do a choral reading of the witches' scene from Macbeth.
Kurious Kitty is in with Carl Sandburg's "Theme in Yellow." Thanks for hosting and Happy Halloween!
Hi Sylvia,
I'm in today with a poem from the book Spooky ABC.
Thanks for hosting. Happy Halloween!
I'm in with a little Halloween ditty that my kids have been chanting all week!
Thanks for rounding up, Sylvia. I'm in today with a low-budget video of me reading a scary poem from my Shrinking Days, Frosty Night.
And with 15 Words or Less poems at
P.S. I love, love, love that Yolen poem. Terrific language...not cutesy at all!
Hi Sylvia,
Today I have a pitiful Halloween tale from childhood and my favorite Halloween poem by Carl Sandburg, "Theme in Yellow."
Thanks for hosting!
Hi Sylvia, Thanks for hosting. A muse struck me (or was it my foot?) as I was leaving the office yesterday. Here is an original poem
Hi, I have a non-Halloween post:
Thanks for hosting. Have a great day!
Today I'm in with a poem by Lucy Maud Montgomery with some great images to carry with you tonight if you're out with trick-or-treaters! Here at my blog, A Habit of Reading.
Thanks for hosting, Sylvia!
Hmm, the link for the poem didn't work. I'm trying again here.
I'm in with a little Halloween ditty that our kids have been chanting all week. I don't know why it's black and gold, instead of black and orange!
Hi Sylvia, I've posted an original poem for All Saints Day.
"Cemetery Walk" at
Thank you for rounding up. Here is mine:
Thanks for doing the roundup this week--and Happy Halloween!!!
At Wild Rose Reader, I have an original political list poem about all the folks, including Joe the Plumber, who are out on the campaign trail.
At Blue Rose Girls, I have a poem entitled "Halloween" written by Mac Hammond.
Wow, and I thought I was early!
Here's my post. It's an eerie poem by Ardath Mayhar.
Thanks for hosting. I have a ghost villanelle at
Here is our Poetry Friday entry by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Stenhouse Publishers
I have "Isabel the Brave" by Ogden Nash today:
Thanks for doing the roundup!
My contribution this week is a poem by Polish Poet, Zbigniew Herbert, titled, "I would like to describe."
Thanks for hosting and posting the Yolen poem. My offering is a Jack-o'-lantern song my daughter brought home from school. A video accompanies it so that you can hear the tune:
Whoops, that cut off. Try this.
I've got W.S. Gilbert's "The Yarn of the Nancy Bell" in honor of the most popular Halloween costume (including my own!)
Here's a original piece: Teacup
I'm up with Haunted House by Jack Prelutsky.
Happy Halloween! I posted SPOOKY lyrics by Classics IV over at Bildungsroman today!
I have a Frances Chesterton poem on Day of the Dead today! Thanks for hosting...
I'm in with a snippet of Macbeth by William Shakespeare.
Thanks for hosting!
I've got a Halloween classic: The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
Thanks for posting!
Happy Halloween, Sylvia, and thanks for rounding up! I'm in with Valerie Worth's "Pumpkin" to celebrate the day...
Hi, Sylvia. Thanks for hosting!
I have an original haiku for my On the Spot writing called
Thank you!
Hi, Sylvia! Happy Halloween, and thanks for rounding up today. 7-Imp is in with one of Edgar Allan Poe's worst poems (IMO).
I'm in with a zombie reading poetry.
What a crazy day! I am chiming in late, with a Halloween post citing the witches from Macbeth.
Chicken Spaghetti
Thank you for hosting! I love the poem you posted.
Here's my contribution:
I'm in real late with a oddball halloween poem/riddle...
Sam Riddleburger
Thank you ALL for making my first Poetry Friday host experience fun and easy. What a treat to connect with each of you-- a perfect Halloween web of blogs!
Hi. I teach 4th grade here in Madison, Indiana. I spent a good amount of time browsing your site. Thanks for your words. My site has many issues like yours. I hope to come back soon and read more. Have a good day.
Wow!After read your poem "The Magic House" its nice.i think it will be a big hit with the kids & also all of age.
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