Final edition In the index
under D I N O S A U R
we find only
the out-of-print
Once they were
a many-volume set TRICERATOPS
and BRONTOSAURUS lived there
among the footnotes
In a back room
a few large books
remain spines broken
and faded paper torn
A few legbones lie
scattered among the gluepots
beyond repair
D I N O S A U R the ancient
lizard word without
a publisher copyright
From: Esbensen, Barbara. 1986. Words with Wrinkled Knees. New York: Crowell.
Esbensen’s book, Words with Wrinkled Knees, is a creative exploration of both the WORDS as well as ATTRIBUTES of animals and animal names. For example, she imagines the giraffe in the library with the phrases “this word/ munches on the leaves/ of books lined up” and portrays the dinosaur with “out-of-print/ bones.” These library connections are especially fun and suggest activities such as posting animal poems near the animal books, looking for other places to connect with new animal creations, and creating new animal wordplays such as acrostics, crossword puzzles, and word scrambles.
Picture credit: www.solarnavigator.net
I absolutely love the poetry of Barbara Juster Esbensen. I think her book "Echoes for the Eye: Poems to Celebrate Patterns in Nature" is one of the finest poetry books ever written for children. I love her use of imagery and language in that book--and also in her book "Cold Stars and Fireflies." It's so sad that both of these books are now out of print.
You've done a wonderful job with your poetry postings during the month of April!
Elaine, Thanks again for stopping by and for your kind compliment. I've been following your postings of ORIGINAL poems, too-- very fun!
I just finished reading Barbara's "Cold Stars and Fireflies." She indeed has a gift and a passion for words. I can imagine her passing that enthusiasm on to her students and readers.
What is the title of that dinosaur poem?
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