Joan Bransfield Graham
Nikki Grimes
Kenn Nesbitt
Kari Anne Holt
Marilyn Nelson
Emily Jiang
Jacqueline Woodson
Alan Katz
Margarita Engle
Marilyn Singer
Selected books by the 2014 Poetry Blast poets

1. Alexander, Elizabeth and Nelson, Marilyn. 2007. Miss Crandall’s School for Young Ladies and Little Misses of Color. Honesdale, PA: Wordsong.
2. Engle, Margaret. 2006. The Poet Slave of Cuba: A Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano. New York: Holt.
3. Engle, Margarita. 2008. The Surrender Tree. New York: Holt.
4. Engle, Margarita. 2009. Tropical Secrets: Holocaust Refugees in Cuba. New York: Holt.
5. Engle, Margarita. 2010. The Firefly Letters; A Suffragette's Journey to Cuba. New York: Henry Holt.
6. Engle, Margarita. 2011. Hurricane Dancers; The First Caribbean Pirate Shipwreck. New York: Henry Holt.

8. Engle, Margarita. 2014. Silver People: Voices from the Panama Canal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
9. Engle, Margarita. 2014. Tiny Rabbit's Big Wish. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
10. Graham, Joan B. 2014. The Poem That Will Not End: Fun With Poetic Forms and Voices. Two Lions.
11. Graham, Joan Bransfield. 1994. Splish Splash. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.12. Graham, Joan Bransfield. 1999. Flicker Flash. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
13. Grimes, Nikki. 2000. Shoe Magic. New York: Orchard.

15. Grimes, Nikki. 2001. A Pocketful of Poems. New York: Clarion.
16. Grimes, Nikki. 2002. Bronx Masquerade. New York: Dial.
17. Grimes, Nikki. 2002. Danitra Brown Leaves Town. New York: HarperCollins.
18. Grimes, Nikki. 2004. What is Goodbye? New York: Jump at the Sun/Hyperion.
19. Grimes, Nikki. 2005. Danitra Brown, Class Clown. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.
20. Grimes, Nikki. 2005. Dark Sons. New York: Hyperion.
21. Grimes, Nikki. 2006. Thanks a Million. New York: Amistad.
22. Grimes, Nikki. 2007. When Gorilla Goes Walking. New York: Orchard.
23. Grimes, Nikki. 2011. Planet Middle School. New York: Bloomsbury.
24. Grimes, Nikki. 2014. Poems in the Attic. New York: Lee & Low.
25. Holt, K. A. 2014. Rhyme Schemer. San Francisco: Chronicle.

28. Katz, Alan. 2008. Oops. New York: McElderry.
29. Katz, Alan. 2008. Smelly Locker; Silly Dilly School Songs. New York: Simon & Schuster.
30. Katz, Alan. 2011. Mosquitoes Are Ruining My Summer! And Other Silly Dilly Camp Songs. New York: McElderry.
31. Katz, Alan. 2011. Poems I Wrote When No One Was Looking. Ill. by Ed Koren. New York: Simon & Schuster.
32. Nelson, Marilyn. 2001. Carver: A Life in Poems. Asheville, NC: Front Street.
33. Nelson, Marilyn. 2004. Fortune's Bones: The Manumission Requiem. Asheville, NC: Front Street.

35. Nelson, Marilyn. 2008. The Freedom Business. Asheville, NC: Front Street.
36. Nelson, Marilyn. 2009. Sweethearts of Rhythm; The Story of the Greatest All-Girl Swing Band in the World. Ill. by Jerry Pinkney. NY: Dial.
37. Nelson, Marilyn. 2014. How I Discovered Poetry. Ill. by Hadley Hooper. New York: Dial.
38. Nesbitt, Kenn. 2004. When the Teacher Isn't Looking. Minnetonka, MN: Meadowbrook Press.39. Nesbitt, Kenn. 2007. Revenge of the Lunch Ladies. Minnetonka, MN: Meadowbrook Press.
40. Nesbitt, Kenn. 2009. My Hippo Has the Hiccups with CD: And Other Poems I Totally Made Up. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks.
41. Nesbitt, Kenn. 2010. The Tighty Whitey Spider: And More Wacky Animal Poems I Totally Made Up. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks.
42. Singer, Marilyn, 2012. Every Day's a Dog's Day: A Year in Poems. New York: Dial.
43. Singer, Marilyn. 2001. Monster Museum. New York: Hyperion.
44. Singer, Marilyn. 2002. Footprints on the Roof: Poems about the Earth. New York: Knopf.
45. Singer, Marilyn. 2003. Fireflies at Midnight. New York: Atheneum.

47. Singer, Marilyn. 2004. Creature Carnival. New York: Hyperion.
48. Singer, Marilyn. 2005. Central Heating: Poems about Fire and Warmth. New York: Knopf.
49. Singer, Marilyn. 2005. Monday on the Mississippi. New York: Henry Holt.
50. Singer, Marilyn. 2008. First Food Fight This Fall. New York: Sterling.
51. Singer, Marilyn. 2010. Mirror, Mirror. New York: Dutton.

53. Singer, Marilyn. 2011. A Stick Is an Excellent Thing. Ill. by LeUyen Pham. New York: Clarion.
54. Singer, Marilyn. 2011. Twosomes: Love Poems from the Animal Kingdom. New York: Knopf.
55. Singer, Marilyn. 2012. A Strange Place to Call Home: The World’s Most Dangerous Habitats and the Animals That Call Them Home. San Francisco: Chronicle.
56. Singer, Marilyn. 2012. The Boy Who Cried Alien. Ill. by Brian Biggs. New York: Hyperion.
57. Singer, Marilyn. 2012. The Superheroes Employment Agency. Ill. by Noah Z. Jones. New York: Clarion.
58. Singer, Marilyn. 2013. Follow, Follow. New York: Dial.
59. Woodson, Jacqueline. 2003. Locomotion. New York: Putnam.
60. Woodson, Jacqueline. 2014. Brown Girl Dreaming. New York: Penguin.
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