Monday, August 23, 2021

Back-to-School Poetry

It's time for me to head back to school! My semester starts today and it's a perfect moment to pause and gather a list of recent collections of poetry and novels in verse all about life in school. Here are 20 poetry books about school published in the last few years-- and there are even more if you want to go further back. It shouldn't be a surprise that school is a popular topic in books for young people since it's an important subject for kids who spend most of their daytime in school. I have found it to be a good topic for starting with poetry in the classroom-- very timely and relevant as a new school year begins-- whether in person or virtually! 

Here's a bibliography of these titles too:

Poetry about School
  1. Apel, Kathryn. 2019. Bully on the Bus. Tulsa, OK: Kane Miller.
  2. Beck-Jacobson, Darlene. 2020. Wishes, Dares and How to Stand Up to a Bully. Berkeley, CA: Creston.
  3. Bowles, David. 2018. They Call Me Güero: A Border Kid's Poems. El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press.
  4. Boyce, Jo Ann Allen and Levy, Debbie. 2018. This Promise of Change: One Girl's Story in the Fight for School Equality. New York: Harper.
  5. Cannon, Nick. 2015. Neon Aliens Ate My Homework and Other Poems. New York: Scholastic.
  6. Coombs, Kate. 2018. Monster School. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle.
  7. del Rosario, Juleah. 2018. 500 Words or Less. New York: Simon Pulse. 
  8. Derby, Sally. 2017. A New School Year. Charlesbridge.
  9. Farrey-Latz, Benjamin. 2018. I Can Learn Social Skills! Poems About Getting Along, Being a Good Friend, and Growing Up. Minneapolis: Free Spirit.
  10. Groban, Betsy. (Ed.) 2018. Totally Middle School. New York: Delacorte Press.
  11. Harrison, David L. 2018. Crawly School for Bugs. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.  
  12. Holt, K. A. 2020. Ben Bee and theTeacher Griefer. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 
  13. Rooney, Rachel. 2018. A Kid in My Class. New York: Feiwel & Friends.
  14. Shields, Carol Diggory. 2015. After the Bell Rings: Poems about After-School Time. Ill. by Paul Meisel. New York: Dial.
  15. Shovan, Laura. 2016. The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary. Random House.
  16. Steinberg, D. J. (reprint edition) 2019. Preschool, Here I Come! New York: Penguin/Grosset & Dunlap.
  17. Steinberg, D. J. 2021. How to Be Kind in Kindergarten. Ill. by Ruth Hammond. New York: Penguin/Grosset & Dunlap.
  18. Trillin, Calvin. 2016. No Fair! No Fair! And Other Jolly Poems of Childhood. Ill. by Roz Chast. Scholastic/Orchard. 
  19. Vardell, Sylvia and Wong, Janet (Eds.). 2018. Great Morning!: Poems for School Leaders to Read Aloud. Princeton, NJ: Pomelo Books.
  20. Winters, Kay. 2018. Did You Hear What I Heard? Poems About School. Ill. by Patrice Barton. New York.
Here's hoping that we can create a meaningful year of school experiences for young people despite all the challenges we face. Hang in there and share school poetry!


  1. So many wonderful books here! A few are new to me. Your lists of books are always helpful, Sylvia! I'll be sure to share with my teacher friends. : )

  2. Isn't 'A Kid in My Class' Rachel Rooney, Otter-Barry Books UK? Certainly it originated with them. I know because they're also mine.
