Monday, April 01, 2019

Poetry Fridays

Happy National Poetry Month! 
This year, the students in my “Poetry for Children and YA” course have created videos for a single poem, helping us savor it, line by line. I’ll be posting a poem video each day for Poetry Month. Generally, I'll feature the video here (via YouTube), but this first one was created by David M. using Animoto for the poem, “Poetry Fridays” by Janet Wong from GREAT Morning! Poems for School Leaders to Read Aloud (Pomelo Books, 2018). 



  1. Love the poem and the video!

  2. Gail Aldous2:54 PM

    Great poem and video! All your pairing of lines with the photos are effective! The pairings that are most powerful to me are the first photo with the sun rising as a person meditates and the photo angle of the walls of library books rising up to clouds and birds. I also liked the image of the girl reading on top of many books and your reading of the poem.
