Friday, October 27, 2017

Hallow-winners and more!

A few weeks ago, Kathy Temean posted a lovely piece on her blog, Writing and Illustrating, (THANK YOU, Kathy!) about Pet Crazy, my latest production with Janet Wong. We promised three lucky people (commenters, tweeters, posters) 2 free copies of the book and we have 3 winners!

Kim Pfennigwerth
Donna Taylor
Elizabeth Castillo

Congratulations! Your books will be on their way to you shortly!

Halloween Fun
Meanwhile, if you missed my list of Halloween poetry books a few years ago, here's that link.

And here are some additional poetry books to add to the Halloween fun:
  1. Caswell, Deanna. 2016. Boo Haiku. Ill. by Bob Shea. Abrams Appleseed.
  2. Cyrus, Kurt. 2013. Your Skeleton is Showing: Rhymes of Blunder from Six Feet Under. Ill. by Crab Scrambly. New York: Disney/Hyperion. 
  3. Hemphill, Stephanie. 2013. Hideous Love: The Story of the Girl Who Wrote Frankenstein. New York: HarperCollins.
  4. Heppermann, Christine. 2013. Poisoned Apples: Poems for You, My Pretty. New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow.
  5. Herz, Henry. 2015. Monster Goose Nursery Rhymes. Gretna, LA: Pelican.
  6. Hoberman, Mary Ann. 2007. You Read to Me, I'll Read to You: Very Short Scary Tales to Read Together. New York: Little, Brown.
  7. Lewis, J. Patrick and Nesbitt, Kenn. 2015. Bigfoot is Missing! San Francisco: Chronicle.
  8. Vardell, Sylvia and Wong, Janet. Eds. 2015. The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations. Princeton, NJ: Pomelo Books.
  9. Yolen, Jane and Dotlich, Rebecca Kai. 2016. Grumbles from the Town: Mother Goose Voices with a Twist. Ill. by Angela Matteson. Wordsong/Boyds Mills.
  10. Yolen, Jane and Dotlich, Rebecca. 2013. Grumbles from the Forest: Fairy Tales with a Twist. Ill. by Matt Hahurin. Honesdale, PA: Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press.
  11. Yolen, Jane and Lewis, J. Patrick. 2017. Last Laughs: Prehistoric Epitaphs. Ill. by Charlesbridge.
Do you have a birthday that dovetails with a major holiday? If you do, you know how it feels to be torn about which to celebrate and a little bit overlooked as people focus on the holiday and not your birthday (says the girl with the Christmas-y birthday!). That's one more reason to enjoy this poem by Joan Bransfield Graham from The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations. 

I also stumbled upon these amazing Halloween birthday celebration ideas at Pinterest here. Check them out!

Meanwhile, head on over to Friendly Fairy Tales for more Poetry Friday fun!


  1. I adore the Halloween holiday. It has always been a big celebration in my neighborhood and in the schools I was in. It is the day to celebrate the love of spooky tales. Thank you for sharing titles and goodies to make Halloween a treat, not a trick. Sylvia, I it so good to see two other review of Pet Crazy. There are lots of kudos for your latest book created with Janet.

  2. Halloween is a major holiday at our house! Thanks for the list of Halloween poetry--perfect for a 10/31 read-a-thon! (Or 11/1 during the sugar crash...)

  3. Like always, thanks for the list! I have the "grumbles" books, wonderful for October reading!

  4. Thanks, friends, for sharing my poetry and Halloween love! Here's to plenty of treating (and no tricks) for all of you for Halloween!

  5. Sylvia, Pet Crazy and your other books are wonderful, as are your lists. You are a wonderful, generous person.

  6. Thanks for sharing such a fun collection of books and poems for Halloween. It's a pretty quiet day around our house. Out in the country we don't get many trick-or-treaters, but we spend time this weekend admiring the pumpkin carvings that a local family puts on--over 200 carved pumpkins!
