Tuesday, April 01, 2014

PFAS: "Which Ones Will Float?" by Eric Ode

Throughout the month of April, National Poetry Month, I'll be posting a poem movie each day. These were all created by my wonderful graduate students enrolled in my spring course in poetry for children and young adults. They are teachers and librarians who are learning about poetry for young people and experimenting with how we can use technology creatively to promote poetry and children's responses to poetry. They've used a variety of media tools and approaches, but each has created something unique and engaging. 

All the poems are selected from The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science-- just out in March. (Please forgive the shameless promotion here, but it also enabled my students to be part of something new-- plus the copyright issues were manageable with this project. And copyright is a Big Deal for both teachers/librarians AND poets!)

When possible, I'll also showcase the poem text here along with the video. 

We hope you'll share these with the young people in your lives and invite them to join you in creating your own poem movies and poetry moments!

First up:

Jennifer M. presents "Which Ones Will Float” by Eric Ode. 
Click here.

From 3rd Grade, Week 1 in The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science. 


  1. A great science poem by Eric Ode from a great book by Janet W. and Sylvia! Fabulous way to start my day and Poetry Month. Some day I would love to come to TLA to hear your poets, such an impressive list from the past 10 years! Congratulations to Jennifer M. for her poem video! Which ones will float or sink, turn purple or pink, smell nice or stink? Poetry makes us think. (In many more ways than one.)Great fun, poetry and science all in a neat package! Terrific resource for teachers. Thanks again, Sylvia.
    Janet F.

  2. Excellent student work and excellent poem by Eric Ode! Thanks!

  3. I can't wait for each one! Your students rock and you rock too good Doctor!

  4. Well done! I want to be one of your students, Sylvia. What a fun and clever project!

  5. I am definitely going to enjoy getting my daily dose of these spectacular video poems! Sylvia, I would like to contact you about an opportunity for you and Janet. Can you let me know your email address so I can describe it to you? You can email me at michelle (at) MichelleHBarnes (dot) com.

  6. This is going to be delightful to see every day, Sylvia. Jennifer's video is fun, with good illustrations making it fun all the way through. Thanks!
