Monday, August 05, 2013

Yes, there is a Poetry, Texas

I've been away for a bit, finishing the revised edition of Children's Literature in Action: A Librarian's Guide, wrapping up summer classes, and enjoying a bit of a break. Earlier this summer I took a trip to a town just an hour away (from Dallas where I live) and had so much fun-- it's called POETRY, Texas. Yes, there is really a town called "Poetry" and I took pictures of all the places that carry the town name. I thought I might share them here, just for fun, as I wrap up my summer and head toward the new school year. Enjoy!
I definitely would love to live at the Poetry Ranch!
Poetry taxidermy? Does that mean preserving the old classic poems?
Stop for poetry!
Great to be welcomed and comforted by poetry.
I bet the singing is great here! 
That is the mayor of Poetry on the far right in the cap (not the cowboy hat). 
Yours truly at the corner of State and Poetry!

Posting by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2013. All rights reserved.


  1. Wow, when people say, 'poetry is everywhere,' they really mean it!

  2. Must say this couldn't be a more perfect spot for a poetry confab!
    LOVE the pics and whole idea.

  3. To anyone who thinks "Poetry is Dead," I would say, "Hey, but we took it to the Poetry Taxidermy"! This fun post reminds me of Naomi Shihab Nye's irony-filled poem "Texas, Out Driving" from PFAMS (with the town of Comfort not feeling comforting at all, etc.).

  4. That was AWESOME!!!!!!

  5. That's so cool! I would love to have that as part of my address. :)

