Friday, April 30, 2021

25th Anniversary of Children's Day/Book Day

It's the 25th anniversary of Children's Day/ Book Day! Founded by author, poet, professor and literary advocate Pat Mora, this is a celebration of books and kids also known as "El día de los niños, el día de los libros, is a year-long commitment to celebrating all our children and to motivating them and their families to be readers, essential in our democracy." At Pat's website, you'll find tons of information, including resources, and interview with Pat, historical background, FAQs and more!

The Association of Library Service to Children (ALSC) is also sponsor of Children's Day, Book Day with a press kit, fact sheet, and a tool for locating nearby events. Check here.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg! There are so many ways to celebrate books, children, and reading-- starting with sharing a poem in your own home and community! Next: see what's happening at Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme were Matt is hosting Poetry Friday!


  1. Happy Children's Day, Book Day! Pat's poem reminds us that every day is a great day for books!

  2. A wonderful celebration! I admit I'm learning about this one. I love to know about celebration "doings" in the US. Happy Book Day to YOU!
