Thursday, February 13, 2020

Hop to It!

Trumpets, please!

Right here, right now, we're issuing an invitation to submit poems for our next book, HOP TO IT: Poems to Get You Moving, to be published later this year by our company Pomelo Books. This will be an anthology of approximately 75 poems that incorporate movement and we'd like you to submit a poem for consideration!

Some key elements:
--We're on a super-short deadline. We need to receive poems by March 31, 2020
--We aim to publish this book in August of this year
--Poems should be geared toward PreK - Grade 5 (short poems = better)
--Poems should be previously unpublished (not even included in blog posts yet)
--You'll retain the copyright in your poem (and will be free to use it elsewhere after publication)
--Please understand that we'll have room for only ~75 poems, so we'll have to say no to hundreds of excellent poems (an unfortunate reality for all our books).

We believe that welcoming poem submissions from everyone who would like to have a poem considered for this book is an inclusive approach that will yield a wonderful variety of high-quality poems. Although we currently work with nearly 200 poets whom we adore, we pride ourselves on identifying and promoting new poets-- and we never know who will be able to "deliver" the best poems for a particular topic or need.

So, if you are a poet who loves to hop, jump, twist, twiddle, spin, shrug, reach-- or even sit very, very still, stretching and breathing slowly-- please read on!

What we envision is a book of poems that teachers, librarians, parents, grandparents, and leaders in summer camps and afterschool programs can use to help children "get the wiggles out." We'd like many poems to encourage movements that can be done while seated in a chair, both to be inclusive and to fit those moments when jumping around the room isn't practical. If the poems can also incorporate some poetry and language elements (such as simile or alliteration or capitalization or punctuation), that's even better. Here's a list for some inspiration:

What is most important, though, is that these poems be terrific examples of rich imagery, musical language, and relevance to children. While it's so difficult to evaluate this, it is very easy to recognize. We all know it when we read an outstanding poem, right? To see what we mean, take a look at some of our favorite poems at the Pomelo Books Pinterest page  and then, if you're inspired, Hop to It . . . and write a poem!

Submit a poem at

Now head on over to TeacherDance where Linda is hosting our Poetry Friday fun. See you there!


  1. Happy feet! Terrrrrrific. It will be a wonderful resource. For parents, too, say on a trip!!
    Janet F.

  2. I'm hop, hop, hopping!

  3. Teachers are going to love this anthology!

  4. Thank you so much for the open call. It's generous and inspiring! I agree, this will be an amazing anthology!

  5. Wonderful idea, Sylvia, and thanks for the open call. My body is moving. . . Happy Valentine's Day

  6. This sounds great! I think collecting content in an all call is a great idea to get a wide variety of submissions. Good luck with your anthology!

  7. Thanks for the open call. I can already imagine how well-received this anthology will be! What a great idea!

  8. I will try... thanks for the open call. A posture poem reminds me of my grandfather... I think I may go there. Thanks again.

  9. Thank you all for your kind words and support! I hope you will all submit poems for our new project!

  10. What fun! We'll be watching for this one.

  11. What a wonderful idea for a book of poetry!I think my middle schoolers may even need this! :)

  12. I have come to your post rather circuitously today. While searching for poetic forms invented by Avis Harley, I discovered that she introduced the world to the "Intravista" here on your blog a number of years ago. I am writing about Avis, one of Vancouver BC's local poets for next week when I host poetry Friday. I hope you won't mind if I share your image of her poem with a link back to you. Here is the link.

    I am looking forward to Happy Feet. I live with a 2 1/2 year old so it will be ideal for her and my other grandbaby.

  13. What a fun new project! Thanks for the open invitation!

  14. Such exciting news! Looking forward to another fun resource from the Pomelo Books team!

  15. Nice! Putting on my thinking/hopping cap!

  16. Oh what fun
    it is to move
    in a winter
    classroom groove!

    May I suggest publishing this in a format that can be projected on smartboards? (Mine is a Promethean Board which uses ActivInspire.) That allows everyone, especially the teacher, to read AS they are moving. LMK if you want some help with designing this, although I'm not a flipchart maven!

    Finally, many of us are wondering if there's a limit on the number of poems we can submit. Can you edit the post to give us a guideline? Thank you both!

  17. Oh what fun
    it is to move
    in a winter
    classroom groove!

    May I suggest publishing this in a format that can be projected on smartboards? (Mine is a Promethean Board which uses ActivInspire.) That allows everyone, especially the teacher, to read AS they are moving. LMK if you want some help with designing this, although I'm not a flipchart maven!

    Finally, many of us are wondering if there's a limit on the number of poems we can submit. Can you edit the post to give us a guideline? Thank you both!

  18. I'm mov'n about from all your moving prompts! Sounds like a wonderful book Sylvia, thanks for the open call!

  19. Thank you for this information and opportunity. Best of luck with this project!

  20. I wanted to add my appreciation that this is an open call. Yay for making this accessible to everyone!
