Friday, April 01, 2016

The Science of Poetry Month

Every year for the last 10 years (!), I have had a different focus for my April posts for National Poetry Month. This year, I'm posting science-poetry connections. Once again, I will be showcasing the work of my wonderful graduate students enrolled in my "Poetry for Children" class at Texas Woman's University-- all of them teachers and librarians. 

We're all starting with the books of Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan, science experts who advocate for the use of children's literature in the teaching of science. Their work puts picture books at the center and they create lessons that teach science concepts through these stories (and nonfiction picture books).  There are three volumes in their popular series published by the National Science Teachers Association: 

Ansberry, Karen and Morgan, Emily. 2010. Picture-Perfect Science Lessons, Expanded 2nd Edition: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, 3-6. Washington DC: National Science Teachers Association.

Ansberry, Karen and Morgan, Emily. 2007. More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K-4. Washington DC: National Science Teachers Association.

Morgan, Emily and Ansberry, Karen. 2013. Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K-5. Washington DC: National Science Teachers Association.

My students each chose one of the books or book pairs highlighted in Ansberry and Moran's resource books (above) and then looked for a poem or poetry book to match with it, along with an additional selection from The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science (edited by yours truly and Janet Wong). They created infographics to integrate the science topic, picture book, and poetry all together. I'll be featuring their work each day of April and I hope you'll find this a helpful resource for infusing poetry across the curriculum. Tomorrow, I'll post my own example to get us rolling. 

Teacher/Librarian Edition                          Student Edition
Meanwhile, I'm also excited to report that Janet and I have just published a "refreshed" edition of the Teacher/Librarian edition of The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science with a new cover that makes it clear it is a companion to the student edition, The Poetry of Science-- along with page number designations for all the poems that match up the teacher edition and the student edition for easy cross-referencing. We hope you'll help us spread the word!

Happy Poetry Month, everyone. Now don't forget about Poetry Friday today hosted by the lovely Amy Ludwig VanDerwater at her Poem Farm


  1. Happy Poetry Month! Let the wild rumpus begin!!

  2. Love the new cover. I love the synergy of science and art. I've always been drawn to both fields myself.

  3. It is Poetry Month every day here, Sylvia. Thank you so much. We're off! Happy National Poetry Month! xo
