Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Celebrating National Poetry Month in April AND December

April is National Poetry Month and I have big plans for daily posts for you! This year, I'm featuring short videos that my students created of children reading poems (and posted with their permission). All of these poems come from my new book with Janet Wong and 100+ other poets: The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations: Holiday Poems for the Whole Year in English & Spanish. Many of the poems and videos feature holidays from April and I'll post those examples on the actual dates during April. But some of these poems showcase holidays from other days and months of the year (like this one from December) and I'll include many of those too-- and make it clear which poem is for which holiday on which date. 

First up, is this poem for December 10: Dewey Decimal Day!

Elizabeth Steinglass wrote the poem, "Looking for a Book" to celebrate Dewey Decimal Day (and books and libraries year-round) and Donna W. created this video featuring two adorable girls acting out and reciting the poem. Here it is:

For this poem and 155 more, order your own copy of The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations HERE and for more Poetry Celebrations fun, click HEREAnd for more on National Poetry Month, click HERE.

Share a poem, read a book, and visit the library-- with kids you care about!


  1. What an adorable video! I'm sharing this post with all my librarian friends!

  2. I love, love, love this! You did a wonderful job! Thank you so much!

  3. What a smile-inducing video--wonderful!

  4. Carrie Finison2:47 PM

    OK, I've got the warm fuzzies now. :-)

  5. What a couple of natural actresses! This is absolutely charming. Brava! (And brava to Liz for her wonderful poem.) :)

  6. I love seeing the poem acted out. What better way to share it than with two girls looking for books-in the library! Very cute!

  7. Thanks, you guys! I agree-- Donna (my student) really choreographed a terrific video and little Shelbi and Addy are just adorable! Thanks for stopping by and giving them some love!

  8. I LOVE it all! Excellent poem that I can't wait to share with the students in my library! And the video is precious! I also can't wait to show my students. We always celebrate poetry and later this month, we will be having our annual school~wide poetry recitation! Thank you!

  9. That is so great! Love these future librarians--and thank you for also then including the written text of the poem so I could re-read it, slowly. Terrific poem and video!

  10. Appreciations to Donna W. & the younger students, who are bound to always remember their acting in this video. Love the rhymed couplets by Elizabeth Steinglass & the Dewey tribute.
