Wednesday, April 16, 2014

PFAS: “Seeing School” by Kate Coombs

Watch for the ending image of the smiling girl with glasses in this fun poem movie created by Shelly P. for “Seeing School” by Kate Coombs.

Click here now.

You’ll find this poem in Week 25 in the 1st Grade section of The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science.


  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I'm enjoying this peek into the new Poetry Friday Anthology for Science. I shared my Poetry Friday Anthology (K-5) with another teacher yesterday. She was so excited about using it in her classroom. She loved your format, as I think all teachers would. They're so busy and the Poetry Friday Anthologies are just perfect. I will keep putting the word out there :-)

  2. I'm so glad that glasses are much less of a big deal than when I went to school. When my daughter got hers, she had a similar reaction to the girl in this poem/video-- it was like the whole world opened up to her and nothing would stop her from wearing them!

  3. I really like this poem. It's something many kids will relate to. Thanks for another look at this wonderful anthology.
