Wednesday, May 23, 2012

IRA Videos: The Poetry Olio

The IRA convention includes a dynamic "Poetry Olio" poetry performance event hosted by poets Michael Salinger and Sara Holbrook. This was my first time to attend (since I usually attend the ALA conference and not the IRA conference) and it was a treat. It's somewhat informal with published poets reading/reciting their works along with audience members who volunteer to read or recite their own poetry or other favorite poems. Here are just a few of the very short videos I made of poets performing.

Sara leads the audience in performing one of her own poems along with Michael up front. (Check out the energy in the audience and the many poets in the crowd.)

Allan Wolf offers a hilarious rendition of a Gelett Burgess poem that all the teachers in the audience could particularly relate to.

April Halprin Wayland reads her tender puppy poem, "Animal Rescue."

Sara assists David Harrison with a paired reading of one of his clever, tongue twister-y poems.

Isn't that fun? I'm so glad that IRA values poetry and includes this energetic session. I hope they continue this tradition. Thanks to Michael and Sara for all their efforts at proposing, organizing, and moderating it!


  1. What fun! Looks like a really energetic crowd:>)

  2. Thanks for posting these - it's so great to get a glimpse inside this event. David Harrison and Sara Holbrook can really work a room!

  3. These are terrific - Thanks so much for sharing. Almost as good as being there... !

  4. Hi Sylvia,
    Your reports on conferences are always wonderful. I'm delighted to discover myself in one of them. Sara was such a good sport!
