Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Poetry Tag: Bobbi Katz is IT

Yesterday, Betsy Franco shared a myth-based poem for teens. Today, she tags Bobbi Katz who asks, “Is it okay for me to use a poem from the THE MONSTEROLOGIST: A MEMOIR IN RHYME such as 'Medusa?' That relates to Betsy's Greek mythology theme.” Here’s an extra treat for all of you Percy Jackson, Lightning Thief, and “Clash of the Titans” fans-- Bobbi Katz’s clever poem, “Medusa.”


By Bobbi Katz

Just one look at Medusa

Could turn you to stone.
When she says, "Let's talk."
Play it safe. Use the phone.
She's a very vain monster,
But she'll never say,
"I'm having a terrible bad hair day.
What's the complaint that Medusa makes?
"I can't do a thing
with this head full of snakes!"

Copyright 2010 by Bobbi Katz, The Monsterologist: a Memoir in Rhyme, used by permission of the author, who controls all rights.

Five fun facts about Bobbi Katz
*she was born in New York
*her first job was as a freelance writer and editor of Middle Eastern affairs
*she has also worked as a social worker, an art historian, a fashion editor, and a radio talk host
*she is also a peace and environmental activist
*she has also authored professional books such as Partner Poems for Building Fluency (Scholastic, 2006)
[Based on Poetry People; A Practical Guide to Children’s Poets]

Look for these selected poetry books by Katz:
*Puddle-wonderful: Poems to Welcome Spring (Random House, 1992)
*We the People: Poems (Greenwillow, 2000)
*A Rumpus of Rhymes: A Book of Noisy Poems (Dutton, 2001)
*Pocket Poems (Dutton, 2004)
*Once Around the Sun (Harcourt, 2006)
*Trailblazers; Poems of Exploration (Greenwillow, 2007)
*More Pocket Poems (Dutton, 2009)

Next up:
Douglas Florian

Posting (not poem) by Sylvia M. Vardell © 2010. All rights reserved.

Image credits:;;wildrosereader;lunchat1130


  1. "Play it safe. Use the phone."

    PERFECT!!! :-)

  2. Great poem. My kids have been fascinated by Medusa and mythology ever since seeing a Caravaggio painting of her years ago. Your blog is a super resource!
